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27,021 Views, When you pray with knowledge and understanding, you generate much power to conquer and destroy the enemy or whatever it is you are praying about, so before you pray the prayer below, consider reading this: CRUSHING SERPENTINE SPIRITS AND RELEASING YOUR BREAKTHROUGH, Original source of the prayer excerpts below is Apostle John Eckhardts book Prayers that Rout Demons, To get more power-packed prayer points against serpent spirits, Purchase Prayers That Rout Demons: Prayers for Defeating Demons and Overthrowing the Powers of Darkness So you ought not be afraid of them for God has made you more than conquerors to them. I come against every spirit of serpents in my life, in the name of Jesus. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I receive divine wisdom to navigate and escape every spiritual landmine the enemy, PROPHETIC PICTURE INTO THE THIRD MONTH (MARCH 2023): THE POWER OF ABRAHAMIC MOMENTUM GENESIS 18:1-2 (KJV): And the LORD appeared, The power of our WORDS This is the reason for the BATTLE OF THE GATES Whatever you REPEATEDLY SAY, DAY 21 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES FAST-BREAKING/HOLY COMMUNION #BattleOfTheGates Day 21 Prayer 1: As I prepare, DAY 20 PRAYER POINTS BATTLE OF THE GATES TEN TIMES BETTER! Some believe in snakes as their gods in which their children grow up to believe in due to some encounter their forefathers had with Satan which is a great mystery and deep covenant that they were not exposed to and has put them in bondage of serpentine worship. Oh Lord, arise and consume by fire anyone planning an attack on my life, career, business, family, marriage and ministry with the spirit of a snake and scorpion in Jesus name. Thank You Jesus , Thank You! Father, If I have swallowed an adder snake through food physically or spiritually, the finger of Jesus will enter my throat and pull it out by fire, in the name of Jesus. What some people call spirit spouse is a serpent that appears in form of human being having sexual intercourse with them in their dream. 7. It deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Prayers for Deliverance from Serpents: Lord, bruise the head of every serpent that would attack my life in the name of Jesus. Every evil materials transferred into my body through contact with marine witchcraft agents, catch fire and be burnt to ashes, in the name of Jesus. Every shrine for serpents in my village and family, Holy Ghost fire scatter it, in the name of Jesus. It deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In other words, you conquer them, obtain victory and stand to see their end and enjoy your life the way God ordained it to be. We serve a God who loves us dearly. Lord, my life is in your hands, please be my refuge and my fortress in the name of Jesus. You evil monitoring seed planted into my life, die in the Name of Jesus 9. In the name of Jesus. I release my children and glory from the grip of serpents, in the name of Jesus. I cast out every viper that would operate in my life in the name of Jesus. 33. Q & A: Is anything wrong with Astrology and Stargazing? Punish leviathan, the piercing serpent, even leviathan the crooked serpent, with Your sore, great, and strong sword (Isaiah 27:1). Every dream animal assigned against my destiny, DIE in the name of Jesus. Every serpent in my foundation, die, in the name of Jesus. I refuse to suffer for the things I did not do, in Jesus name. Every python sent to destroy me, return to your sender, in the name of Jesus. 26. These are the MFM midnight prayer points (warfare) by Olukoya: I renounce every conscious and unconscious fam iliar spirit and I reject your covenant, in the name of Jesus. Do you want to receive power over the serpent? ye shall not fear them, for the LORD your God, He shall fight for you. Deuteronomy 3:22. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. As you take each prayer try as much as possible to be observant in the spirit realm. 49. Queen of the coast, hear the word of the Lord, loose your hold over my by the blood of Jesus. Oh Lord, arise in your anger and deliver me from every power of a serpent and scorpion holding me down in Jesus name. ngels of war pursue with your swords and kill every anaconda snake that is pursuing me day and night, in Jesus name. Attacks by this animal can sometimes lead to unfruitfulness, miscarriage, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy, impotency etc. 41. Second heaven wickedness working with queen of the coast over my marriage scatter by fire. Every crooked serpent, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. Fortaleceos en el Seor y en el poder de su fuerza. It is the stubborn spirit that has the power to stay and glue with a person for a very long time. Every spirit-serpent, delegated against me, run into the desert and be buried in the hot sand, in the name of Jesus. Dark power using black pot to control my womb and summon arrows into my life, scatter. Number 23 and 24 titled The Ministry of the Serpent and The Mystery of the BOOK of Remembrance His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. Every evil pronouncement that has been transferred into my foundation through evil covenant, blood of Jesus, flush them out in Jesus name. Every snake burnt in the fire and is used to prepare concoction or used to injure my life and has now turned into life snake inside me, by Holy Ghost fire, run out and die, in the name of Jesus. There are some tribes in Nigeria where people dont kill snakes and when you kill such a demonic snake the implication is always death and strange sickness. Father, I command every serpent powers of my mothers house to die by fire, in the name of Jesus. Thou serpent of the Lord, bite every hidden enemy of my life, in the name of Jesus. Hot Fire Prayers At Midnight Hour - Dr Dk Olukoya. I cancel every curse of untimely death sent against me, in the nam e of Jesus. Prayers Against Serpentine & Serpent Spirits Prt 1: You might find below (articles) useful in understanding the importance of this prayer and the impact of s. Arrows fired by spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies, against my life; backfire in the name of Jesus! 5. You stubborn problems, I trample upon your serpents and scorpions, in the name of Jesus. Serpentine or serpent spirits are terrible demons in the host of the devil himself. Authority has been given to believers to trample on the head of the serpent and all its evil works against our lives and nothing will ever harm us. I Command Them All To Go Now In Jesus Name! Oh Lord, give me and my household your immunity against any attack from a scorpion and Serpent in Jesus name. Isaiah 54:17: Let any trace of mermaid worship in my family lineage be broken and disconnected by the blood of Jesus. When promise and fail are too much in your life. Satanic serpents, dispatched against me, receive madness, in the name of Jesus. God bless you. Multiple serpents assigned to eat up my flesh, somersault and die, in Jesus name. You serpent of darkness, release me and die, in Jesus name. 26. BATHING BY THE RIVER ON THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF A SO-CALLED PROPHET. There is a spirit that has tied down the destiny of many sons and daughters of God. I Close Those Doors Now, Seal Them With The Blood Of Jesus, Send Them To Jesus Christ Of Nazareth For Judgment And Forbid Them To Come Back On Me In Any Way Shape Or Form, Or To Touch Anyone Else On The Way! Serpent powers of my mothers house, die! In the name of Jesus. Python spirit is from the marine kingdom. 29. Every arrow shot into my life by witchcraft powers from the waters, I soak you in the blood of Jesus and return you back to sender, in Jesus name. My Father, by your fire, arise and burn up every serpent swallowing my blessings in Jesus name. Father, by your word, let fire and brimstone fall upon every ministry of the serpent against my marital settlement, in the name of Jesus. I fire Back, every arrow of the serpents, In the name of Jesus. They allow their victims to stay long in their captives until when the person is old and has nothing to offer again before they start releasing them. You serpentine spirit assigned unto me, that bites whosoever that offends me, you are not my defender, be electrocuted and die, in the name of Jesus. 1. I release myself from every serpent bite and poison, in the name of Jesus. Python is the source of many financial failures and deaths of many people today through curses, spells, voodoo, incantations, etc. I Punish the piercing serpent in the name of Jesus. Holy Ghost fire, kill every serpent and scorpion targeted at my Israel, in the name of Jesus. Programme of the snakes against me and my family, I scatter your plans in Jesus name. You Are Defeated Satan..So Get Out!!!! God bless you. Posted by: TGFJ This spirit causes toxic and noxic relationships, pain and discomfort; confusion, hemorrhaging of joy, peace, finances, natural and spiritual resources. An effective way of crushing the serpent is through fervent prayers. Father, by the anointing of the Holy Ghost, I come against every serpent from the ministry of the serpent following me about to monitor every of my moves and destiny, in the name of Jesus. Thunder of God strike down evil altars in the sea bearing my name, in Jesus name. The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid. 23 Attributes of Marine Spirit Spouse - A Must Read! 70 Prayer Points To Terminate The Ministry Of The Serpent. I bind and rebuke every sea serpent that would attack my life in the name of Jesus (Isaiah 27:1). Oh Lord, expose and disgrace every serpent disguised as human being and fighting me in Jesus name. They attack where the light of Gods word is absent in a persons life. Spiritual children sucking my breast release and die by fire, in Jesus name. It can hide anywhere and stay calm due to its subtle nature to perpetuate its evil act. i need payer against barreness in every areas of my life. Father, let every dream animal assigned by the ministry of the serpents against my destiny die, in the name of Jesus. 22. 4. Every serpent and scorpion, working against my destiny, dry up and die, in the name of Jesus. 13. 6. Dream serpents DIE! kings and queens will be your children, presidents and prime ministers, and you will teach professors". Praise Worship . God has already made a way of escape for His children from the clutches of the serpent ministry, but the ignorance of men is their greatest undoing. Bible verses; Prayer points; Verse of the day; Bible reading plan; When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Psalm 27:1-2. Untwist You Filthy Snake From My Mind, My Body, My Soul And My Spirit! Begin to bless the name of the Lord for answered prayers. Of Your Cohorts! Amen. God has already made a way of escape for His children. Thank You for saving me and forgiving my sin. 69. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link:, or through this Email:, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. The spirit of Python is the source of witchcraft and divination. in the lives of their victims. Oh Lord, I am commanding every scorpion and snake holding down my progress and breakthrough to release it by fire right now in Jesus name. And I receive power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and overcome the enemy in Jesus name! Every serpent, working in the root of my life, die, in the name of Jesus. 67. Blood of Jesus enter into the water now and speak for me, in Jesus name. Blood of Jesus, Fire of God flush out marine waters from my body, in Jesus name. Jesus , I Ask You Now To Send Forth Your Warring Angels On My Behalf To Do Warfare For Me And Defeat The Enemy And His Cohorts! Every witchcraft serpent sent to disgrace me, roast to death by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name. Strategy of water demons to separate me from my partner scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus. mfm prayer points against serpent spirit. Amen. By fire by force, I recover my marriage from strange waters, in the name of Jesus. I cover everything with me, everything around me and everything over me now with the blood of Jesus. Father, I command every stronghold of the ministry of the serpent in my life and destiny to be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus. I release the rod of God to swallow up every serpent that would come against me in the name of Jesus (Exodus 7:12). 22. Let all your children attached to me fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Thank You that You have redeemed me and bought me back from the slave market of sin, to which I was condemned. very strongman using serpentine power in my office, environment or family to harm me to go back and die, in the name of Jesus. 46. O Lord, soak me in the spirit of prayer. Every dream-serpent, die, in the name of Jesus. List Of 112 Prayer Points By Dr. D.K Olukoya (MFM 2022): 1. And anyone that offends the children, the serpent will come to bite them because the serpent has become their defender. let any native doctor that transforms into an anaconda snake and has been employed to kill me and my fruitfulness die by fire, in the name of Jesus. Please call: +2348099828623. In the name of Jesus. The fact that the man is polygamous is enough evidence that he has a problem of marine spirit. Oh Lord, break every glass used by the serpent kingdom to monitor my life in Jesus name. By God's grace, his insight into the ministry of prayer and deliverance is very deep. Most believers dont know they have this authority and some who do dont know how to exercise the authority. My Father, cut off the head of every demonic snake raising its head against me in Jesus name. (Or From Your Church!) To pray your way through deliverance is the hardest thing to do. PRAYERS AGAINST SERPENTINE POWERS. 2. He said, Go to Pharaoh and tell him to let the Israelites go. Employ your spiritual weapons to battle them including the name of Jesus, the sword of the Lord, lightning, thunder, and tempest. 43. My Father, send your angels to build a wall of protection around me and my family in Jesus name. Some people who seek for solution in a wrong way have swallowed serpent unknowingly. I separate myself from every ancestral covenant with water spirits by the power in the blood of Jesus. And as such, people under this captive of python spirit struggle to fufill destiny. My life, reject every serpent and scorpion, in the name of Jesus. 56. Place Your Healing Balm Of Gilead In All Of My Memory Points Lord! I plead the blood of Jesus over my spirit, soul and body, in Jesus name. I burn your certificates and destroy your rings, in Jesus name. let the altar of the ministry of snakes in the house of whosoever is attacking me catch fire and burn down, in the name of Jesus. Authority has been given to believers to trample on the head of the serpent and all its evil works against our lives and nothing will ever harm us. mfm prayer points against serpent spirit, 70 prayers to terminate the ministry of the serpent pdf, prayer against serpent, characteristics of serpent spirit, lesson 0 70 prayers to terminate the ministry of the serpent, prayer points against dragon spirit, prayer against snake in the dream, how to break free from the python spirit, prayers that paralyze the python spirit. Father, I send back every arrow of the serpents sent to kill me by the serpent ministry to the sender, in the name of Jesus. In I cut off every soul-tie with any serpent spirit, in the name of Jesus. Father, Let the blood of Jesus mix with Holy Ghost fire and enter into my foundation, in the name of Jesus. And this did she many days. In. Every strongman using serpentine power in my office, environment or family to harm me, go back and die, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, let all the serpents and scorpions assigned against me begin to fight themselves, in the name of Jesus. God is the one fighting for us in this battle with the ministry of the serpent. Some have drunk the water of serpent in order to retain their position, to get wealth and to attack the destiny of others.

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