what cities are on the 33rd parallelcan guava leaves cause abortion

6. Kissinger is also noted as being a critical player in, Nixons downfall and his advice to have Nixon meet with mass-murder of the 33rd. He has a ring shaped plain west, of the Mare Crisium on the Moon named after him by scientists Beer and Medler in their. Codified death for 25 different crimes . What is being sought there? He heals the sick and raises the dead. The most in USA history. San Juan Capistrano is on latitude N. 33.29 (See wiki on City itself). 1. There are 33 degrees of freemasonry (publicly known levels that is). www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=40911 . The return of their god kukulkan in 2012. London shares a similar latitude (51.5 degrees N) with cities like Warsaw, Kiev, and Winnipeg and is nearly 10 degrees north of Chicago. Elohimin Hebrew this means the gods. The so-called Ratline that brought them to the USA and, Elsewhere did not simply bring, scientists, spies and operatives overit brought Black, Magicians or Left-Hand Path occultists prevalent in the upper hierarchy of the SS and, Other organizations. The will to kill is a litmus test. There is only one Zen, Buddhist Temple in Silver Spring. Something is, going on. cooperates with British and US Intelligence agencies much like they cooperated with the Knight Templars in the past. www.bibleprobe.com/freemasonry.htm . 6. Book, this writer has no economic interest in such title). Free. In we take a look at northern hemisphere, the alleged parallel makes its way through important US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas, or the town of Roswell, an area which is popular for its history with UFO-related subjects. A mere scroll through of any Buddhist site will confirm this. Elohim City is located near Muldrow , Oklahoma. Again, the test range for obvious reason is vast. Verwoerd was killed by a mind controlled assassin that said a large worm in his stomach ordering him to do the act. Carthage was a major center of human sacrifice and demon, Worship. Did the 33 rd US President target these two Japanese cities on the basis that they both straddled the 33 rd parallel? This is another site exactly on the 33rd parallel. For more U.S. locations including cities, towns, parks and more, use the Find Latitude and Longitude tool. Aubrey Beardsley the artist died in Menton he also was associated with Aleister Crowley, And the Occult. Most Potent Alignment on Earth the 33rd Parallel - Masonic Line of DeathAn alignment running from the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexander Virgini. Axel Hogwood www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/israel/facility.htm . Thus the opposite, Of love is hate. The fortuitous development of reading a plaque on a Masonic building in Tucson , Led the writer to investigate , solely out of curiosity, along what latitude the city of. America- FDR DEATH SPOT (LIKE BHUTTO) IN IDENTICAL ALIGNMENT TO LOCALITY WHERE FIRST ATOMIC BOMB EXPLODED IN NEW MEXICO- AGAIN THE 33RD PARALLEL AGAIN A HUMAN SACRIFICE, 1. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D) strongly supports the death penalty *( Only 2 men on death row since previous Governor commuted all sentences to Lifenonetheless , Governor Richardson fights to keep Death Row open for business despite bi-partisan legislation to simply abolish it. 33rd parallel south Map all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap Download coordinates as: KML The 33rd parallel south is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees south of the Earth's equatorial plane. 1. It should be noted that Atlanta is on the 33rd Parallel as well as Tibet and that being, a warrior is what JWL set out to become. Its imported palm trees and omnipresent swimming pools shimmer when seen from high in the air like turquoise and silver jewelry on a jet-setters tanned breast. The latitude on the photo is. Please see MAP: www.home.ca.inter.net/~giskhan/Hassan_Ibn_Sabbah.html . WAS the King. Men allegedly had a major interest in the occult. Without Kings death none of that would have happened. The Queen of England recently knighted Jimmy Page. Heavily involved in the nuclear energy field. Hunter S. Thompson was once a security guard at the Esalen. www.paranoiamagazine.com/warritual.html . THE LATITUDE FOR MONTGOMERY , ALABAMA , BABYLON. Why the energy embedded in the walls of Abu Ghraib Prison, www.beliefnet.com/story/147/story_14712_1.html . Approximately how many STATUTE miles is Miami, Florida, located at 25 degrees N, 80 degrees W, from the South Pole? The US Supreme Court lifted the ban on executions in 1976. b) Governor George W. Bush as noted previously, set the record for executions in Texas. The Death Row for Lebanon is Roumieh Prison , north of Lebanon at -roughly- 33.60 N. Latitude is very close to being exact to the death row in Atlanta for females. The cult was a blend of neo-nazism and knight templar ideology. www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialogue_Concerning_the_Two_Chief_World_Systems . Governor of New Mexico and death penalty supporter Bill Richardson is an enthusiastic, supporter of the project. ParCFD is an annual international forum devoted to the discussion of recent developments . They lost the Cold War. The Taliban were an enemy. CIA crack dealing with gangs. So do those who closely follow the script. j) Opus Dei Founder is now a Saint like Mother Teresa. 3. www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=70576 . www.findarticle.com/p/articles/mi_mOEPF/is_3_101/ai_78786702 . The term, Bull Market comes from the sport of bull baiting which was particularly savage, This gruesome sport was based on the 33rd parallel religion of the cult of Mithras in. The Bank is. And kill them to maintain control over them by a so-called master race. Gleaming like a steel and glass mirage surrounded by ironwood, palo verde, and saguaro cactus, this modern American city lies in a brown cloud of auto exhaust at the northern end of the Sonoran Desert. Researcher Chuck Zukowski, subject of author Ben Mezrich's bestseller, "The 37th Parallel: The Secret Truth Behind America's UFO Highway," has documented mutilations, from Kansas to Arizona, for decades; in fact, it was Zukowski who identified the 37th as a continental zone of heightened anomalous activity. The following information will show that much of this activity YET AGAIN was, directed by a secret society- the KKK / Klu Klux Klan with grades of initiation which, simulated freemasonry which was very prevalent in the confederate States. 33rd parallel north The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. This however is not news in the USA. a) Gray Davis- Forced Nominees to California Supreme Court to uphold death penalty. www.bleb.net/anomie/phenomenology.html . Again with large, sprawling facilities the alignment with the A Q Khan / Kahuta facility could COULD be exact and match the, THE LARGEST NUCLEAR REACTOR IN THE USA, THE PALO VERDE REACTOR IS LOCATED NEAR PHOENIX , ARIZONA LATITUDE N 33.2320. www.explorer.alltopix.com/map/vsv2oh?Palo_Verde_Nuclear_Power_Plant.htm . 7. www.phdowntown.blogspot.com/2005/10/chasing-dragons-tail-odd-coincidences.html . What US city is the same latitude as London? The little White House in Warm Springs was given to FDR by Banker , Communist, And New World Order adherent George Foster Peabody. 3. Grandson of Roger of Sicily the founder of the phrase or symbol The Jolly, Roger -THE CROSSED THIGH BONES AND SKULL OF THE PIRATES, SS, THE JESUITS AND. * This is a nearly exact/possibly, exact alignment with the Death Row of Mississippi. Is located just to the south of of the 33rd parallel. The cult of the assassins, Was largely wiped out by the Mongols. www.americanlynching.com/infamous-old.html Infamous Lynchings. Supernatural forces in bid for world domination. Were the Soviets seeking warm water ports on the Indian Ocean or warm blood. This is now a multibillion dollar industry largely now under the control of gangs. www.greatdreams.com/planes/murder_by_plane_crash.htm . 1. Additional / Extensive information on 33rd Parallel at-, Zionism human sacrifice allegations 33rd Parallel. Louis Rothschild is said to have been a 32nd degree mason in Chicago. Communication . Both are Masons. 33 represents the two intersecting triangle of the Merkaba, or 'lightbody', which is symbolized by the Star of David, which corresponds to Metatron's Cube, as seen below. www.subgenius.com/bigfist/evils/politics/X0002_BUSHED.TXT.html . (obviously support death penalty if clemency denied previously). Since 1981 the CIA has not had to, Inform the Department of Justice of information regarding drugsthe Advent of the. YET ANOTHER COINCIDENCE??? RICHARD M. NIXON & 2. www.mosnews.com/news/2005/12/20/stalinapes.shtml . A kidney can fetch up to a million$ in Mexico. Saddam was an, enemy he was removed. g) Ford would have been succeeded by Nelson Rockefeller. Construction company of first choice by the so-called New World Order. Company are Jacob and Nathaniel Rothschild. 4. Note the Soviet Union- It was at its peak of power when it entered Afghanistan on the. The Aztecs. www.reactor-core.org/black-nobility.html . Almost all official Klan organization at present are based in 33rd parallel states. He also left behind an odd trail of dead bodies of political opponents or threats. Bull Worship was associated with the cult of Mithras, previously mentioned with the, Cross. The Natanz facility is considered to be the main research plant for nuclear, Weapons for the Ayatollah regime. We all know that number 33 is not just any regular number. The desecration of his body was said to be imbued with supernatural power. California is the heartland also of the favorite food of Lord Shiva Sinsemilla marijuana. www.investor.shareholder.com/jpmorganchse/press/releaseDetail.cfm?ReleaseID=172269&ReleaseType=Current . www.chemtrailcentral.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001187.html . Both the Rockefeller and Bush families have financial ties that go back decades and at least two generations of family connections. PARALLEL STATES OF ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO- HUMAN SACRIFICE AND RITUAL CANNIBALISM: 1. The confederates wore grey. www.ianpaisley.org/article.asp?ArtKey=666 . www.tbirdofparadise.blogspot.com/2005/11/update-on-white-middle-class-belgian.html . The name ratti comes from latin and means of course, rat. BODY IN SIMILAR FASHION TO THE MUTILATION OF LYNCHED BLACKS. Ur is very far south from, The insurgency and isolated. 9. The pyramid at the luxor resulted in death during construction, has had numerous suicides and construction workers refused to work there. There are those that believe that Waco had been a center for CIA mind control, experiments since the end of WW II when german experts were brought there as a result, 5. The latitude of Colima, California is 33.94 N Latitude. 1. The writer is not a fan at all of Jimmy Carter but it would seem to be treason to engage in, Negotiations with an enemy to provide them with arms in exchange for the continued. The purpose of the ceremony was to incarnate the Scarlet. That hammered the nails, placed the crown of thorns on Christs head, whipped him . I AM BECOME DEATH, THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS. Recently , President George W Bush appointed George Herbert Walker III as, Ambassador to Hungary. Think of this next time you hear the term. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. I Am of the Stars. 3 no more and no less. www.pyramidmatrix.com/ & www.virtuallystrange.net/ufo/updates/998/apr/m24-010.shtml . Benazir Bhutto Father killed to usher in nuclear armed Pakistan with help of agency. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. www.organimed.com/ohmygourds/catalog.shtml . He was a Senator not a, Governor. Attention of world leaders is focused on what he says. The beams stand for the crucifixion of Christ and, The crossed thigh bone pattern is reminiscent of the pirate jolly rogers , named after the. A priest was caught once acting as a. He promises to return. www.home.earthlink.net/~pgwhacker/ChristianOrigins/PaganChrists.html . Ideal Candidate must be a governor of 33rd parallel jurisdiction as was Pontius, modern day Israel has 33rd parallel run through north. The Aga Khan at Phillips Academy Andover as did George W Bush, who was a few years ahead of Scooter Libby the indicted top assisstant of Vice President Cheney AND THE. Lyndon Johnson of Texas. By the hurricane itself. IRAN NATION GOT ITS NAME FROM ARYAN WAS STRONGLY PRO-HITLER AND CURRENTLY LED BY SECULAR LEADER THAT BELIEVES HE EMITS A GREEN GLOW AND WANTS TO START A NUCLEAR WAR ON THE 33RD PARALLEL: The symbiotic nature of the relationship between the Ayatollahs and the Bush dynasty: 1. SADDAM this , of course , is this writers speculation based on an analysis of known facts. Brutal Culture cannot be whitewashed due to liberal notions of Political Correctness; The Brutality of the Maya and Aztecs was EXTREME. www.salon.com/mwt/feature/2001/10/02/fatima/ Families were brought to watch, RED CHINA WORLDS NUMBER #1 DEATH FACTORY ON THE 33RD PARALLEL WAS CREATED BY MAO WHO WAS TRAINED AND NURTURED BY SKULL AND BONES HOME BASE- YALE UNIVERSITY. See also: www.webcom/ctka/pr399-fdr.html .FDR was planning treason trials on the Rockefellers, Bush, Harriman and other conspirators that assisted the rise and continuation of the, Third Reich EVEN AFTER HOSITILIES BEGAN WITH THE PEARL HARBOR. The Teutonic knights were formed in 1190 911 in reverse in the fortress of Acre that. 4. The freemason symbol of an eye as capstone. sampling. The 33rd vertebrae is called Atlas which then leads us onto the real meaning of the lost city of Atlantis, which is your pineal gland. www.worldaerodata.com/wad.cgi?id=AG75759 . www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1234280/posts . Following link cites numerous, Politicians, State and Federal that ALL favor the death penalty. Mass Communication www.cronkite.asu.edu/ . THE DEATH OF FDR AND BHUTTO WERE SACRAMENTO OR LOVE OFFERINGS HUMAN SACRIFICES ON THE 33RD PARALLEL TO PROVIDE THE PSYCHIC ENERGY TO USHER IN THE US AND PAKISTANI NUCLEAR WEAPONS ERAS, a) As noted previously, President Zulfikar Bhutto was hanged in Rawalpindi , Pakistan at. F. CONNECTION BETWEEN 33RD PARALLEL AND THE TWO RECENT PRESIDENTIAL ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS THAT FAILED (Ford & Reagan). It is. David Koresh died at age 33 on that site. Thus if you live on the 34th parallel of latitude, the sun will rise one minute later and set one minute earlier than on the 33rd parallel and so on. www.lasvegaskids.net/news/hauntedlasvegashotels.htm . Being the all-seeing Masonic eye. An Illuminati cult of Galileo. 8. The previous link talks of Ley lines or what in. Hierarchical system in the world , the caste system which exists to this day. Mind Controlled Mademoiselle Meets Death in Iraq on 33rd Parallel The Strange case of the Belgian female muslim suicide bomber MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE-. Mustapha Hussein , Saddams, 14 year old either died fighting or had a gun put in his mouth and was killed after capture, depending on what story one believes IT IS UNKNOWN WHAT HIS ASTRO SIGN, WAS OBVIOUSLY THERE IS A ONE IN 12 CHANCE HE WAS A TAURUS.Uday, was not a Taurus. I.E. Bill Clinton looked the other way at nuclear weapons technology being supplied to Iran by the Mandela Government of South Africa. Human sacrifice or at least the sacrifice of a prized goat or bull. States and end the threat of the Soviet Union right then and there. Rare is the famous, Modern rock/pop etcmusician that has not had contact with a guru or other cult like, Group or figure. Crowley based the Silver Star in 33rd parallel California. There is a Green Dragon retreat center associated with. 33 THIRTY THREE inmates were left dead. 13, dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan near the 33rd Parallel. This ultimately became, The ACLU. www.netstate.com/states/symb/flags/nm_flag.htm . c) Santiago , Chile where the stadium is located is at 33.28 S. Latitude. Some of them horribly butchered. Osiris had a son named, Horus, whose symbol is a Hawk (wings flies) and had one eye that was white and one, Eye that was black. THREE OF THEM NOW Somehow favor the interests of the nation of Iran/Persia. www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2005/01/new_findings_ch.php . A, Decoration for Valor based on the Teutonic Knights. now occupied by China. *** note Nevada, Tennessee and Egypt are not on the 33rd parallel. This is a good description of Jesus Christ. Gary Gilmore, Utah. He was removed from power. The number of glass panes in the pyramid are, 13. The purpose to this is to allow a different consciousness to develop, That allows for changes in behavior and outlook a form of hypnotism. 3. Belief system in pyramids, death sacrifices at pyramidal structures, and geo- alignment. He was referred to as THE ANTICHRIST BY POPE GREGORY THE 9th. & www.illuminati-news.com/art-and-mc/aquarian-conspiracy.htm . The latitude of the Palo Verde Reactor (as noted before) is 32.232. Latitude 33.899 N. 3. There was no route of escape. Many argue that the location of buildings on this line has close links with Freemasonry, religious communities, and secret societies, but there are various historical facts attributed to enigmatic places like these.The Earths parallels 33 North and 33 South reveal fascinating details. e) black magician Aleister Crowley performed a ritual that involved the use of an animal and a female, which ended with the animal being killed. www.usnews.com/usnews/doubleissue/mysteries/anasazi.htm . Are different subsidiaries of the same evil corporate structure. 3) The longitude and latitude lines for the center of Jerusalem add up to the biblical. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. Santa Fe, NM 87502-2486. The only cadaver laden with DNA etc KNOWN TO EXIST AND NOW DISCOVERED, IS GILGAMESH THE MAN-GOD OF SUMERIA. Control of 95% in any economics textbook, Is described quite easily as a Monopoly or better said a Monopsony -ONE BUYER FOR. The important number 3. Depends who you ask. The theory is expounded that the, Real reason for the current Iraq war was to secure relics, technology or sites belonging, To ET races or an Ante-Deluvian (pre- Great Flood) Civilization by the Bush administration. Became an integral part of the campaign structure of Republican politics. 3. Austin is, WACO / BRANCH DAVIDIAN COMPOUND- CRAWFORD RANCH OF BUSH, DIMONA PLUTONIUM FACILITYAND ALABAMA DEATH ROW IN NEAR PERFECT ALIGNMENT. BNFL is wholly owned, BNFL is now trying to sell Westinghouse nuclear assets and its representative is. Saddam is a Taurus. www.perspectives.com/forums/view_topic.php?id=55650&forum_id=86 . 2. Clearly, Uday and Qusay would be privy to numerous secrets, bank accounts, Intelligence information and leads that COULD have and many believe SHOULD have, It almost seemed as if the US Government wanted them dead for some reason that has. www.the7thfire.com/new_world_order/final_warning/domestic_tampering.htm . They are located on the 33rd Parallel. To his conversion on the road to Damascusa 33rd parallel city. the three most well-known centers of paranormal activity are on or near the 33rd Parallel: Atlantis, the Great Pyramids, and the Bermuda Triangle. Pink ballets as they were called involved orgies with children. Essentially Treason at a minimum even without any occult element is BIPARTISAN. 02. The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. Bite taken out of it reminiscent of Eve and the Apple the fall of man. He is also a former Business partner with New World, Order/China/Illuminati linked Dr. Henry Kissinger. This correlates to the, Much beloved Bull Market on Wall Street worshipped by investors. Sports. 33rd parallel north The purpose of the colony was to sell, Another drug, opium to China. In the northern hemisphere, the parallel in question makes its way through major US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas or the town of Roswell, an area known for its history with UFO related subjects. Florida 2000 vote theft looks like Chicago 1960 vote theft. www.rferl.org/features/2003/10/13102003150923.asp . Of Kosovo. A huge factor in ancient religeon of hebrews and christians involve Mt Hermes which is the place that moses was visited by god. 1. 8. The founder of the center wrote the book: Shambala Sacred Path of The Warrior. enterprise lock-stock & barrel. GILGAMESH CADAVER IS THE FIRST DISCOVERY OF A, HUMAN GOD HYBRID. This white supremacist / nazi linked compound has repeatedly been linked to the Oklahoma City Bombing, which at the time was the worst mass murder in US history. LAWYER FOR OIL FOR FOOD SCAM BRAIN Marc Rich, Pardoned by Bill Clinton. How far is Korea from the equator? Skull and Bones member John F. Kerry attended his funeral as did George McGovern. A bird of Prey associated with, The freemasonic underpinnings of the USA and of course the roman eagle from, Which the USA borrows the symbolism. Your email address will not be published. 6. 2. www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2004-06-03-chalabi-probe_x.htm . Some believe that this is nothing more than a coincidence, while others point to a number of interesting details with the number 33 The only difference is. At its maximum, east longitude extends how many degrees? Henry Wallace who placed it there went on, 6. Countries like Iran and Afghanistan are traversed by parallel 33. January 17, 1977 executions resume. www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2004-03/03/content_311374.htm . The federal government burned to death scores of men, women and children at a site of, horror that is in direct alignment and very close proximity to the sight of the famous ranch, of President Bush in Texas. Curiously, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33, in the city of Dallas. The, Airport there operated by the military has latitude dimensions that place it exactly on line, To Los Alamos and the pyramid in Memphis, the City where Martin Luther King was. Was it a Trojan Horse? www.winternet.com/~swezeyt/fun/fdr.htm . link. The suspected Algerian once secret nuclear weapons site is located at Ain Oussera. YOU, THE READER STILL HAVE. . See: www.greatdreams.com/trade_numbers.htm &, The elite masons worship toward the east (sun rising)strike on north tower was a, strike against God himselfushering in New World Order. Be rebuilt to usher in the so-called end times. 1) Connection between 666 Jerusalem and El Paso, Texas /Ciudad Juarez , Mexico. This alignment is where the Confederacy was born. The Aztec priests would time the passage of the Pleiades to determine the exact time to plunge the knife into the heart of the human sacrifice victim. c) Hillary Clinton & Rudi Giuliani both support it. www.ordotempliorientalis.com . No hope of a dynasty or a comeback to the throne. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. www.herbs2000.com/herbs/herbs_marijuana.htm . Check Pages 1-50 of 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death in the flip PDF version. Most of this planet's six billion people live south of the 33rd Parallel. TWO HUNDRED / 20% OF DEATH ROW INMATES TO THEIR DEMISE IN TANDEM. This can only be cured when the capstone is placed on it. This coincides with a future member of Skull and Bones. www.bellaciao.org/en/article.php3?id_article=8265 &. Crop Cireles Broken Down to 11 conclusions, High Generals of Ancient Macedonian Part IV, Biblical Connections to Familiar Phrases and Sayings II. ; an unstable system synonymous with crisis. He wanted to take over the Russian embassy rather than the US and round up the. 1001 Club (again the 11). Members are represented in the Illuminati controlled. Ur was the navel of the earth. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Arrow_Honor_Society . UNKNOWN) . Required fields are marked *. The birthplace of Bill Clinton is Hope, Arkansas located at N .latitude 33.66. child sacrifice took place almost continuously for 600 years. 33rd parallel administration of Reagan (California) and Bush 41 (Texas). The largest consumers of heroin have traditionally been on the 33rd parallel. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. South Africas Nuclear reactors are located near Cape Town . Penalty but rather through unofficially sanctioned mob lynching. Was Kennedys Murder Actually A Ritual Blood Sacrifice?, www.parascope.com/articles/1196/ken3.htm The ritual in fact and obviously is called, The Killing of the King The President symbolically being the King. Paul was executed like his savior due. Unveiling The Strange Link Between Men In Black And The HOLLOW EARTH, USS Stein Was Attacked By A Strage 46 Meter Huge Sea Creature In 1978, Scientists Say They Can Go Back In Time In A Quantum System: We Have Made Science Fiction Real!, Swastika: The 12,000 Years old History of one of the most powerful symbol. The jews were influenced by the magical practices of Babylon and vice, Versa. Executions continue to be carried out as of 2005. 7. www.rockhounds.com/rockshop/gem_designs/alcyone1/ . 3. www.greaterthings.com/Word-Number/666/Center_of_Jerusalem . www.death.monstrous.com/sacrifices.htm gods create man and need him to sustain them through human sacrifice. FURTHER ,THE, JANUARY 17 DATE AS NOTED IS THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE EXECUTION OF, GARY GILMORE -THE FIRST SINCE THE LEGAL RESUMPTION IN 1977 AND THE. The goal is to create a mind-altering, Experience, particularly when combined with certain drugs. President Bush praised his selection as the replacement face on the currency for Iraq. 2. The Secrets of The 33rd Parallel. The Roswell UFO crash of New Mexico occurred on 33rd Parallel, in gemetria New Mexico = 111. The Governor is the leader of the State national guard like Pilate was in charge of the local military . One of the major historical facts is that the entire system of satanic lore germinated in Babylon which is located precisely on the 33rd Degree Parallel! The british had the, Lord of the Bhangs country India as a colony. The buildings cost was donated by the Illuminati/New World Order linked, www.abidemiracles.com/555701.htm . www.corrections.state.nm.us/prisons/pnm.html . www.illuminatirex.com/illuminati-bankers-knights-templar-rothschild . The first person to his side was a freemason The Reverend Jesse Jackson. 1. Had the hostages been released earlier , Jimmy Carter wins and there is no Bush dynasty. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teutonic_Knights . Saddams Secret Jewish Archives. It is an attempt to control. Silver Spring is close to the, Various intelligence agencies around the nation Capital. Skull and Bones always represents the USA with a member being the Ambassador to China. Bush launches invasion of Iraq. This led to the belief in the muslim world of jews performing human sacrifices in secret rituals. Not mere human sacrifice but the sacrifice of a Deity & 2. He attended the Green Dragon Temple. Thus the point of death for the first, Democratically elected leader of Pakistan was nearly identical to the laboratory in, Which Dr. Khan labeled The worlds most dangerous man due to his decades long. REALTY ON THE 33RD PARALLEL. 5. It was known as the order, Of the Assassins. www.victorian.fortunecity.com/palette/187/crete.html#19 . Saddam believed himself to be the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar the conqueror. ; SUPER humanity? January 17, 1991 George H W Bush launches attack into Iraq in Gulf War I. www.atheism.about.com/library/FAQs/Islam/countries/blis_iraq_chron.htm . The same scenario listed previously as, To the human sacrifice / Tauroctony applies as to Saddam. www.channel4.com/history/microsites/H/history/n-s/nazimyths.html The key to mastery of Vril Energy lay in Tibet. Some oddities surfaced that were discussed in an article posted. 7. 5. The energy of human ritual killing is very powerful and it lingers, like a ghost at a haunted mansion forever unless banished. Generation after Generation . www.ancientwisdom.net/speakers/william/william.html . Find Related Places. Entire crack problem begins in California. The inventor of the death penalty likewise. www.eatonville.com/politics3.html . The Director of the film Roman, Polanski had his wife Sharon Tate murdered by the Manson family who claimed to. More Death Penalty Stricter Sentencing. The Crips and Bloods street gang phenomenon goes nationwide. Bechtel allegedly made several of Saddams reinforced bunkers underground when he was an ally. d) Women prisoners forced to have sex with dogs. www.flholocaustmuseum.org/history_wing/thirdreich/ss.cfm . www.bigeye.com/sexeducation/nazivirusprojects.html. In fact most went to three States. The namesake of, America, Mr. Vespucci , died on February 22. ; A Divine sacrifice. 4. As such, I didn't really grok the debate between. The solar eye of the freemasons and the capstone of the pyramid. another group that could provide better services. Systems was published in 1632. Vandalized sites are off limits and no comment. MULLAH OMAR (TALIBAN), Richard Nixon told the turks to stop growing poppies and turning it into heroin for. For photos of the sheer size of some of these blocks which cannot be replicated by modern methods or move, pls refer to: www.sacredsites.com/middle_east/lebanon/baalbek.htm . 4. 5. The Sacramento or Love Offering would be the life force of a President. When Fez, Morrocco fell to the muslim forces, the muslim, Fighters dipped their caps in the blood of the Christians as a symbol of their, Victory. www.consespain-usa.org/intro/biografias/ing/24.html . 2. 4. THIS WAS TO GENERATE ENERGY. www.winternet.com/~swezeyt/fun/patton.htm . One of the items missing is the tablets with the CODE OF HAMMURABI the. www.azcentral.com/12news/news/articles/0807nuke07-CP.html . www.phdowntown.blogspot.com/2005/11/bank-of-america-curse-every-building.html . Again, many of the legionnaires were. Pro-Iranian Lobby funding John Kerry campaign. Did Bin Laden Really Die the Same Day as Hitler? The Parliament of Worlds Religions is in Cape Town and is associated with the. If a state or country was intersected by the 33rd parallel or fell closer to the equator, it was termed a warm climate, but if the state/country fell outside of this parallel, the region was. Bush Fraud Investigation Update by Wayne Madsen.

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