mantle and anointingjesse duplantis grandchildren

1. I think God put that there for us to see his progression which means he moved from one position to another, one level to another. I had a vision as I was driving in my car and praying about this teaching. Now, here is something I need you to consider. I thought to myself. I would imagine that every year he grew bigger and bigger until he was big enough to fit into Elis mantle, right? For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 3Potiphar noticed this and realized that the Lord was with Joseph, giving him success in everything he did. Then I told her that she has the mantle. Please understand that even though the first 2 mantles were taken or apparently stolen from him, this never changed anything in the realm of the spirit. So here you have it, the physical manifestation of the anointing and mantle on his life, which is proof that while they may have stolen the physical mantle, spiritually nothing changed! I admonished her to stop pushing it away and start embracing what God has anointed her to do. It is best to wear the one that is God assigned, anointed and appointed. So then, one of Davids servant killed King Saul. You wont look the same: A great vindication. We should have both. Im thinkingIm facing my fears! lots of people seek monitory assistance from me, and they dont succeed and conclude that am stingy but in reality i dont have.on the outside the call me big names.whatever i put my hands to do i dont benefit its others. Many things. It is important to know that with all the jealousy and envy that Joseph faced it didnt stop his destiny but instead propelled him towards it. There are many people with a kingly anointing that may not have Solomons mantle. When we have money and power it is very easy for us to use what we have instead of asking God for help. Ive lost friends for supporting BLM. Really strange there is a new update:-))). Who anointed David? God is the one who decides which mantle you get. 1. As the other prophets watched, he took up his mantle and struck Jordon N0! I read the subscribers comment after watching the video on YouTube and I decided to look for why the Joseph anointing takes a long time and I searched on Google and I came across your post concerning anointing and mantle. Wow! 4Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Good word Mrs. They are usually very critical of themselves because they will look back at what they did before and always think it wasnt good enough and they couldve done better. This Mantle is very important, for it speaks of both the prophetic message of Elijah, and the double-anointing of the Holy Spirit that was given to Elisha, in order for Elisha to take up the call of God that he inherited from Elijah. I forgot about it and from time to time I would think about it and I would then go online and listen to Pastors preaching about Joseph in the Bible. More grace and blessings to the ministryp.s: Im sorry that my comment was quite long (this is the first time its happening, i didnt want to stop the flow). Why did God leave him there for 2 years? We grow into it. Now imagine this scene everyone is pinned in their seat and the few that could get up were screaming on the floor until the demon got out of them. May we never waste time but number our days so we may gain a heart of wisdom. Hello Mary, first I have to say that under normal circumstances I would never allow a post like this to be published on this website. Laziness. For our complete teaching library please visit "Anointing" (The Process of God's Anointing His Servant Elisha) I Kings 19:19-21 "Next Level" Leaders Are: Serving . I havent met a lot of people who have this. Thankful for your obedience. 5From the day Joseph was put in charge of his masters household and property, the Lord began to bless Potiphars household for Josephs sake. Yahweh Elohim, you knew me from my mothers womb, you formed and fashioned me with purpose. However, I believe it is highly unlikely to have these two mantles at the same time. It means the one who provides sustenance of the land or the one who furnishes nourishment for life. It started before the election of 2016 bc of the bullying I got bc I didnt care for a man saying grab them by_______ bc I didnt trust men at that point bc they dont respect or protect women as much as they try to control or silence our voices bc we are a weaker vessel. I love children but dont have any so Im being a teacher as a part passion of mine. (1) You are not crazy (2) If you so openly share your opinions and/or what you believe God is showing you then for sure you will be rejected and people will call you crazy. Like Joseph and Elisha, as you stay faithful and committed in the long haul, you will ultimately receive the mantle God has for you. Then give me a tongue of wisdom to speak when the opportunity arises. (2 Kings 2:12-13), Joseph had a series of physical mantles along the way. The Lord has chosen you to build a Temple as his sanctuary. Again, Joseph was put in charge of the Pharoahs cup bearer and baker when they were thrown in jail. Mop,thank u for this article. I Stumbledacross the looking for information about the mantle of wealth after having dream where I was told that the mantle was passed to me. The same principle was at work when Moses struck the rock twice instead of speaking to it (Numbers 20:7-12). Mantles in the natural is a piece of clothing, but so is a hat, and a scarf and pants. I would implore you to read the entire life of Joseph (Genesis 37 50), and you will be able to pick up all the points that I am making in this post. I saw a video on my feed and the title says Yes Ibrahim, good points! I know I have felt like at times questioning my call as far as ministry. Im not God- I believe in the Trinity. This one artist came on stage singing a note. A mantle is a Scriptural metaphor (symbol) for a calling, ministry, anointing, andwhen applicableoffice, given to individuals by God. The people destined for those anointings usually look the opposite of it until they get delivered. I dont know this person but as soon as I read the title, I remembered some years ago, I texted a message to a Pastor online who I dont know. Ive lived everywhere from Samoa, Tucson, Cali, Tenn, and now Hawaii. If the Presidency is a mantle that means that a mantle can be passed without the person dying. If a job or position required a 4 year degree and 5 years experience to get it, they will start at the ground level and within record time they are running the place without the 4 year degree and the 5 experience. I would recommend you find out what God has written in your scrolls about you and go after that. He actually didnt give his wealth to Solomon (1 Chronicles 29:3-5). Imagine that you are sitting there watching this conversation. Dont worry about meeting that person right away. Theres been nothing but destruction and chaos since because the anointed mantle holder is not currently in the office. Thank you for this teaching. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. I was just searching on revelation scriptures today on google and I came across this website. He shall build a house for My name, and he shall be My son, and I will be his Father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever.. You have to have your own level of intimacy with the Lord. It is a timely information. All of Solomons wealth came from people giving things to him, freely. Elisha didnt just receive Elijahs mantle because he happened to be at the right place at the right time. I saw it happen. This has really blessed me! In my dream, he said, I was standing on the bank of the Nile River, 18and I saw seven fat, healthy cows come up out of the river and begin grazing in the marsh grass. No thanks. There are many people asking for mantles they are just not anointed to wear. There is a reason Joseph actually went from the prison to the palace within the hour. He wasnt even alive to see the deliverance but he believed with his whole heart that God would deliver his people. Psalm 45:7. Hi, back in May this year Kris Vallotton from Bethel prophesied over me and put on the mantle of Davids famous mighty men. Later, Joseph became a trusted slave, promoted and given charge over all his master Potiphars estate. While he inherited some what he amassed was on his own because of the wisdom God gave him. David was a man of war. He is the "Anointing." His Presence is "The Anointing." Another definition or meaning for the word anointed is "chosen one." The literal translation of the Hebrew word mashiach (messiah) is "anointed." This is another reason they stand out. Your journey from Anointing to Mantle Even though David was anointed to be king and he later got the mantle of the king, he still didnt build the temple because that was not his assignment. That is why it was multicolored. God positions you with people and leaders that He wants you to serve now. I believe every single one of us was born to wear some level of anointing and mantle. There is no Moses sister mantle. Wrong Alignment. Generally have their eye on the prize. God. Some get one or two mantles with even more power or resemblance and some will get the mantle of one prophet and will be used by The Holy Spirit as vessels to manifest great anointing and power. A mantle in the natural is a cloak or outer garment for covering the body. I dont have anyone to talk to about it but it changed my life and its different from church as a child. I read through it and I find myself commenting here. Im studying on mantles and anointing and this is a perfect start. You dont have to like them and they are not all good. I APPRECIATE THIS WORD BECAUSE I CAN IDENTIFY WITH IT AND NOW I HAVE SOME SOLACE FOR WHY I HAVE BEEN GOING THROUGH WHAT IVE BEEN GOING THROUGH AND TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY, ALLELUIA!!! And we should obey God's spiritual laws that are in place by not cursing the person wearing the mantle or we will call judgement upon ourselves as we read before in Romans 13:1-7. I believe He allowed this to be written by Solomon, so that we wont make same mistakes and waste the precious time and freedom/ease that He has given to us for our purpose and assignments.and I pray that well receive the grace to go through our lives journey like Joseph to become and achieve all that He had in mind for us, written in His scrolls in Jesus Name (amen). Judy A. Littlejohn unfolds the significance of such relationships, including how to recognize and maintain them. I really enjoy the learning material you send to me, Hello, no we dont have online bible studies but we do have an online discipleship school which takes people from salvation and beyond. He has the power to make decisions that he couldnt make as a civilian. Sometimes people dont know when they have enough and they just keep going after more and more and more. Whether you like them or not. There is a possibility that mantle got passed long before he went home to be with the Lord. Do not be discouraged if you have a spirit of jealousy while you still believe you have the Joseph anointing. If you go back and reread the same thing a few months later you may see something you didnt see before. 6So Potiphar gave Joseph complete administrative responsibility over everything he owned. With Joseph there, he didnt worry about a thingexcept what kind of food to eat! It is in the spirit and it is an anointing. God did not curse the mantle/office of Chief Priest. They are so helpful. I have been praying to the Lord for Clarity on his mission message and mandate for me and the marketplace and the kingdom and in the world and this article spoke directly to my spirit it gave me confirmation on things that God has said to me has shown me that I have written down the story of Joseph was the mantle that I felt months ago when my Apostle asked me what was God crowning my year with thank you for writing this article I thank God for giving you the words for this article they would definitely for my Divine place I thank you so much. I AM AT WORK READING THIS, AND ALL I CAN SAY IS THANK GOD. He didnt even ask for the job. I love it when everyone looks up the scriptures for themselves and read it. He supported him in a menial way and learned at his feet. The people then revolted and the kingdom became divided. Based on these definitions we see that the mantle is a symbol of authority and position. Thank you for this very helpful article. Proverbs 18:16 says that our gifts will open doors for us. I hope you can see that. So should you pray to receive this mantle? Ive been shopping in this particular store for about 2 years. Another question please.can you have many mantles at the same time? All of us. He married her a year after. If you read the entire story from start to finish it is hard not to see it. So you still need the guidance from a pastor or someone who has a similar mantle. Privacy Guarantee: Enliven Ministries will never share your e-mail address with anyone else. Serve them online. Another reference for the Hebrew word for mantle addereth, Strong's Number <0155> also means "glory. So, Joseph had to go through the fire and be purified until God could manifest Himself through him in His FULLNESS. Love to you all, Thank you, really needed this. Whether you think they deserve to be there or not. Joseph right out the gate starts exhibiting the Seven Spirits of God. He didnt lay hands on anyone, he didnt tell one demon to leave, he just sang a note. 10So take this seriously. Praise God!! A lot! Again, God had not forgotten about him and made a way so that he could be standing in front of the Pharaoh 2 years later to interpret a dream that no one else could. Anoint me with all the gifts to wear the mantle you have ordained for me. But no two ministries will look the same. David did not say thank you for moving him out of position so I could take his place. Revelation 2:26-28 which basically says when you overcome a thing you rule over it. This is a part of the mantle. LOL got to the end of this where you said to pray for something. But I have heard that when you hear about a dream you can interpret it., 16It is beyond my power to do this, Joseph replied. No one could stand up. 21But the Lord was with Joseph in the prison and showed him his faithful love. Your posts are keys that are opening up my understanding and Im am forever grateful. They have financial troubles. Even then God had a purpose and a plan for them being there. The mantle served the practical purpose of keeping people warm and protecting them from the elements. Whew! Thank you for the uplifting word. I accidentally found your website but was tremendously blessed by what Ive read. God used Jacob, Potiphar, a prison warden, and ultimately Pharoah himself, to appoint Joseph to a position in Egypt that was already his through Gods intention. Then youll find someone else with an OK voice and this is the one with the anointing. I will do a post on Joseph and Solomons anointing but I thought it would be more fitting if we first understand what is a mantle and what is the anointing and are they the same thing. Well, anything is possible with God. We are entering the season when the Josephs will arise. People were delivered from so many demons that night. Actually i already had a gift it is only that i recognize it now and he placed the robe on me because i reset my bloodline and broke generation curses like david who fought many battles. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind. Everything that I have written here is a really good springboard for you to read the book of Ecclesiastes. Lust. However because this artist entered the stage singing the note, we couldnt get out of our seats. Your email address will not be published. This post was immensely enlightening and I have taken many notes. Chosen specifically for those who desire to move in the prophetic. Wow I was sleeping today and I heard a voice say the power of the mantle I was reading the book of Acts and its no wonder the Revelations of the 7spirits of God, cant thank you enough as Ive gotten a base when am teaching on mantles. God is no respecter of persons so we all have a purpose and a position in life. hi Jennifer, I believe it was already in the comments. The CALEB ANOINTING, Mantle, that destroys the demon yokes- Strength and Appetite and MANTLE for Spiritual Warfare! She just doesnt. After the demons left the room, I felt the force that was holding us in our seats lift and we were able to stand up. Yes- please help me with this. Thank you for sharing so I know its not just me. She still needs to go through her process. Bless you. No. Did you read the prophetic word for 2019? I dont think Ive ever met someone with this anointing that people didnt like. And then, he wore the garb of a servant. Each mantle and anointing is unique. just a humble observation, i dont know if it was typing error,the scripture you quoted 1chronicles you cited chapter 22:9 instead of 28:9 . Thereby making Solomons job in building, very easy. The colors are the blessings, the anointing that is bequeathed to the family of God. Samuel's Mantle . (2 Kings 3:11). All the colors are a manifestation of the Light. Lets pray so that God can reveal to you what it is. Verse Concepts. I pray this helped you to understand the mantles and anointings more. Moving on from this, remember it is the quality of your work and your character that gives you the promotion. In the vision I see a prism. Davids job was to dig the trenches out so that when Solomon got there his job would be easier to build the temple. The rainbow goes upwards and then it starts whirling together and it turns into a coat. First lets look at Joseph personality and his character: Lets look at the anointing or the gifts that go with this mantle: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); If we look at this spiritually, this would be other people in the family of God who are not fully with you. It had the colors of the rainbow. This is something that comes directly from the Lord to you when you have completed your process. I didnt even know it was there until it was pointed out to me. 3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Kings 19:15-19). Im going thru enough, dont need God to give me more. I searched the scriptures as I read it through . I understood some years ago that Joseph is a type of Christ. However, you can prophesy and have the gift of prophecy as an anointing or gift and not be a prophet. You progress into that role but you are moving up different levels. Forgetting the purpose and assignment. 1. So there is a time of process that we all have to go through from the moment God starts moving us into our role and purpose. They dress how they see themselves, they are it before they become it. As Joseph received the royal robes over his shoulders, maybehe recalled the earlier mantles that he wore: And now its been lost, robbed. The Mantle and Anointing of Stephen: Serving with Excellence - Revised Edition Paperback - Large Print, March 9, 2021 by Rodney Orsborn (Author) 23 ratings Kindle $2.99 Read with Our Free App Paperback $9.99 2 New from $9.99 Ultimately, Pharaoh robed Joseph in garments that represented his position as ruler next to Pharoah in Egypt. If God were to give you the final mantle now you would probably fail because there are many things you need to learn before you can take on that position. All that we are and all that we have are for His purpose, agenda and assignments (Col. 1:26; Eph. The pride of life (1 John 2:16-17). Benjamin, who was his full brother was not a part of the plot to kill him. , Sign up to receive Enliven Blog posts via e-mail and get a FREE copy of my e-book. She doesnt even want to sing in public. This was a theater that holds about 15, 000 people. God's promise is that, as His divine children, we will be like the glorified Jesus Christ! 3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Because it was a vision in a flash I was trying to recall the colors (sorry, no I couldnt immediately recall the colors of the rainbow) So then I started praying into these colors to get the meaning of each of them. It gave me great understanding as I thought mantles were just for the few chosen. You need to serve under them once you realize they have the mantle that you are destined to wear, Learn all that you can from them as you are serving. You can never get darkness when you start with The Light. Coming back to the laziness, Im sure he may have thought it would be so much easier to make his enemies family members instead of going to war with them. God brings about opportunities where we can minister to people and use our gifts. Whereas People like me is not born into wealth and toiling hard with no wealth to show for it! 4And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. when i do preach people listen and ask for more which dont go well with the elders i am under.every sphere of My life have impediment. Contact: whatsapp or Call 002330542533200-00233248100101Web: www.prophetfranciskwateng.comFacebook: Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ!. And, I have seen many people with a hybrid mantle which is more than one, sometimes even 3, rolled into one. This is why it is important to know who is for you and who is against you before you share anything with them. Joseph never asked for the job. Has anybody got any Holy Spirit inspired ideas about that for me? Not against you but in you. People Give to You. You just cant. So when I refer to Solomons Mantle I mean someone who is holding an office and not someone who used wisdom to make some money in the stock market for a season. Im patiently waiting on the LORD while I continue to learn more as Ive just done from both this teaching and the anointing and mantle one too. It had to be Solomon. This Publication clearly portrays the progressive transition and migration from the realm of the anointing, through the mantle to the realm of glory, which are different aspects of manifestation of God's power. The best thing for you to do is ask God to reveal to you what your mantle is. For a long season, Elisha was a servant to Elijah. 24And the shriveled heads swallowed the seven healthy heads. He was operating under instructions. When its time to fully take hold of your mantle the are people that cant go to where you are going. I came upon it accidentally. My blessings to this ministry and I am believing God to even give into to work.. The Lord was with him and caused everything he did to succeed. Humility arises when we have no other options and we cant think our way out of a situation. So, then Josephs original mantle had one important component that had not yet reached its fullness. The 7th color was purple which is royalty, the kingly color. Consider that one of the reasons David did not kill King Saul when he had a few occasion to do so was he knew Saul was still the King. Joseph was a very handsome and well-built young man (Genesis 39:6b). I pray this has blessed you, please feel free to leave your comments below. It also changed my perspective on this verse. Please can you direct me where to find part1 and part2 to this topic? There are some of you that may ask, can I have both a Josephs mantle and Solomons mantle? 3. Youre a blessing to me. 19But then I saw seven sick-looking cows, scrawny and thin, come up after them. And I realized that there are notes and tones that we can sing that releases things in the heavenlies. This is not just a singer, it is deliverance minister using song. Scriptures covered: 2Kings 2-3. But I think Im crazy now or just had vision bc Jesus went 49 days without eating and that could cause ppl to see things and they would lock Moses up today for saying he say a burning bush or hear God. I didnt even see this until the Lord showed it to me. So what do you do? Lust of the eyes. So God had to put him through all of this to get him to the place where he would manifest the Secret ingredient in order to be able to walk in the fullness of the mantle.. It totally encompasses its object so completely that the object itself is no longer visible. A mantle is a symbolic representation of the anointing. Welcome to our Encounter Conference!This morning is going to be filled with glory and power!Make sure to share this broadcast!Chapters:00:00 What happens whe. Esther didnt open her mouth until the moment was right. Here it is. Elijahs mantle was more than the regular cloak that he wore. The character and glory of God is developed in us by an intimate relationship with God called the anointing. And somehow he delivered me and gave me a gift. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. (1 Kings 3:7-9). Good day The Anointing, the Mantle and the Glory By Frequency Revelator Ebook USD 9.99 Add to Cart Share This Publication clearly portrays the progressive transition and migration from the realm of the anointing, through the mantle to the realm of glory, which are different aspects of manifestation of God's power. The prison to the palace was the final step. So, if you are looking to be an actor you sit under and actor. Donate here: What is Jesus Christ telling me? He wasnt dead yet. Not just any kind of worship but a deliverance mantle for worship. (1 Kings 19:19). He never told the Pharaoh that he was falsely accused like he did when he was in prison. Thank you for molding me into your image and for using me to glorify You in all the earth, in Jesus name, Amen. He will anoint whomever He wants to accomplish a particular purpose. Blessings! I know i am a joseph and somehow he will provide he said and i believe father God. A mantle is used symbolically in the Bible as the righteous call and covering of God in fulfilling our destinies. A "mantle" is a Scriptural metaphor (symbol) for a calling, ministry, anointing, andwhen applicableoffice, given to individuals by God. What is a Mantle? The people voted, God placed the anointing and mantle of the office on the person the people chose. Wealth. Here is part 2 in this series which is about The Joseph Anointing. and dix makes me realize Why you said that the mantle is rare (even in the body of Christ).not many are able to follow or pursue their God given purpose and assignment bcux of the ease (Freedom) & Time that they lack. Joseph ended well and I think it was because of what he had to go through in his life. A modern day look at this would be the Queen. Hi Faith, great to hear from you, and Im glad the message was meaningful for you! Even though I read this book already several times, reading it again right after writing this felt like I was sitting in a room with Solomon himself and he was speaking to me. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Zaphenath-paneah. In Other Words . Dear MOP See ( 1 Kings 19:13 1 Kings 19:19 ; 2 Kings 2:8; 2 Kings 2:13 ) This is the one worn by Elijah. Otherwise this famine will destroy the land. (The Spirit of Wisdom). Their parents did that for them. I was asking people to pray for me and he was one of them. Same rule applies with marketplace ministry. The main difference I see from one mantle to the other is that one was made out of animal hair (it was hairy) and the other was linen. Its wonderful and Id love to have it, but I dont want to go thru what you are to get it. I couldnt understand that until you said that. Reading the bible is like peeling the layers of an onion in that when you read it the first time you get the full meaning. Consider Becoming a PMT Campus Partner Includes All Ministry Services Listed Below, Campus Partnership $247.00 Monthly Pledge. So I said to the Lord it was dark is it black?. For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. Definition is glory, cloak, glory, splendour, magnificence (of a vine, shepherds), mantle, cloak made of fur or fine material It is so important who you are making covenant with because these are the people who have the power to make or break you. It was a mass deliverance from a single note. I am releasing an anointing to put the Jezebel spirit underfoot and destroy a . They are sought after by others because they are known for the quality of their work. Prophetic Word: The Josephs & Esthers are rising. Ms. Megan Doctor, 7 th Episcopal District. It made me to reflect on my life so far and has made me to understand most of the warfare that I have experienced. For those of you who are reading this and you believe you have this mantle but at the same time you see that you have the enemies of the mantle operating in your life. People arent going to promote you because you said Praise Jesus 10 times per day. That means, the Pharaoh released the guilty man. Im sure if you went through the bible and read any of the stories of the greats, Abraham, Moses, David, Deborah, Esther you would probably be able to identify the 7 Spirits of God on them. Good teaching!! I think one of the greatest misconception is that we keep hearing from the prison to the palace and people assume that overnight they go from one position to the other. The word is right on time.. Our prophetic word for 2022 is to enact the Joseph anointing on our lives and I began to search for resources to help me grow into this anointing and your teachings in this article has pushed me into a new realm of understanding.

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