moon square pluto synastry obsessioncan guava leaves cause abortion

Even when you might just think youll go one day without thinking of them, something pops up that reminds you of them and once theyre on your mind, thats it. Im the moon I feel as if hes ripping my soul and we re not even together. Everything you said its opposite in my case, I literally came on to him very strong in a sexual way. My Pluto (Scorpio) trine his Moon (Cancer) (1 degree), his Pluto (Scorpio) sextile my Moon (Virgo) (1 degree). 24 hours a day I can only think of him. My Venus also conjuncts his moon in Scorpio. After the whole court thing, a month later showed up at my house, I woke up with him standing over me. But this is not always the case. That being said, I dont think you will listen due to the Moon conj Pluto lol. Its so unlike me as a Taurus sun, and him being a Cap. his Pluto But I cant pull back. Mercury Trine Jupiter 029 98 Moon Square Pluto Synastry is an astrological aspect that brings together two very intense energies. There's also a possibility that Pluto, having the upper hand in the relationship, can control the Moon. They give you great honor, riches and respect BUT if you lose your integrity, you will go down and the fall will be bad. The Pluto feels he wants to control the tender moon and the moon wants to submit. Or is he more intense and obsess? Is this rare? His aspects win. His Pluto making two strong aspects to your inner planets means he has the upper hand. Hi Ami, Once in a lifetime??? I am not that big about age differences. The Pluto wants to control and the Moon wants to submit. Which is odd, because we're all experiencing this intense love, and's odd. Yes, he will help lift your career and social position up, Mirra. With exact ones, I would pay attention but the minor aspects dont have the power of the major ones. My Mooon in Leo trine Venus in Sag values real love, and freedom Well,let me say this.The square is different from the trine and conjunction.You have to be careful that you don;t let the power of the square tear you apart because it is sooo strong.You need to have really,really good communication at all times. 9. I keep coming to this page because the way you wrote it is so wonderful. My Moon sextile his Venus It does feel at times that we run hot and cold, and we are emotionally intense. If so, this could be the reason, Patty. I wrote before about this, but I wanted to give an update Ascendant Square Venus 137 -117. He hasnt called back since then. List the aspects and degrees, please. Share this: Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn By amiann | February 8, 2012 | Astrology, Do you really know your lover?? Jupiter trine Neptune 0.24 Often, it also makes struggles in yourself and even to other people. I only knew this person for a few months and he was so much younger than me that it never would have been practical for the long term. Pluto is all about transformation and rebirth. His pluto is conjunct my moon. I know from experience how that one feels. Partner's Pluto Conjunct/Square/Opposite Your Mars. and its Moon in conjunction to my Pluto?It just I knew I wonder: where you know? Is there a charge? B could tend to dominate psychologically over A while A could react very spontaneously/ spasmodically towards B. Yes, Moon/Pluto is as I say lol In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Aspects between moons: Mi venus cuadratura a su marte At the reunion he confessed to me that hed had a huge crush on me at school. Can the aspects that I placed above cause it? But, who feels it more, yearns for it, needs it forever? Everyone has the eight original planets of astrology- the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - somewhere in their natal chart. Adjust 4.00 ST 5.33 Lat 38.53 Long 77.02, Sun Sextile Mercury 018 222 My Pluto sextile his Midheaven It is Healthcliff screaming for Kathy, as he runs . In his 5th house (cusp is Cancer) falls my Mars. Moon square North Node 0.62 Which is heightened with our Neptune-Mercury double whammy aspects. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. His sun trine my neptune 5.51 Pluto sextile Neptun, Good and bad, Lynn but contention, yes lol, He wants to know everything! I might ask you to do a reading of our synastry. And all these helps were conected with my job or for my personal (and family) security and convenience, Thing so. Indeed, Pluto desires complete control and domination over the Moon persons emotions, and any indication that the Moon person is losing interest or distancing herself leads Pluto to adopt manipulative or controlling behavior to keep the Moon person to himself. Do you have Aldebaran or Betelgues conj something. Hehe love you ami, you are so cute. Thanks Ami, for answering. With the square, it would be more of a sexy fighting kind of feeling. Astrologers view square as negative energy or omen. but I agree with your description, too. He has Venus and the sun in Taurus, the moon in Leo in 5 (In love he can be caring. We also have Sun conjunct Pluto, Venus conjunct Sun, Venus conjunct Pluto, Mercury conjunct Sun, Mercury conjunct Pluto and Mercury conjunct Venus all in Libra in the 8th house in composite chart! I know the forum is down, which is so sad, although I understand why. I think negative Neptune can indicate infidelity or anything negative that we might have missed in the relationship. My 5th House Pluto 12 degrees Libra Trine his 3rd House 12 Degrees Aquarius moon. Welcome Besc. He is really rude and disrespectful of me. No tengo idea como entrar en tu foro,me enseas por favor?..y si no serias tan amable que sea a travs de este medio o a mi direccin de correo me explicases un poco mas sobre esta relacin con los datos de la sinastria que te envi! Individuals with a Moon Square Pluto synastry are intensely drawn to each other. Do you want to come on my Forum and put up your synastry? My Mars conj. And yet when you meet, its like no time at all passed, right? My Midheaven opposites his Sun It is once in a lifetime and now do you realize why I say that LOL. which aspect will characterize the relationship? Our Moons sextile and his Sun conjuncts my Moon and my Sun trines his Moon and our Suns, Venuss and Mars are opposite. Not yet. Your Moon represents your hidden side. Chiron trine Midheaven 5.94 With this synastry, you will be feeling it. :-/ So maybe the Neptune-Venus square is guilty for this between you? Unbearable intensity, passion, love. My Venus quincunx his Ascendant You are a very good girl and get the prize because you put the orbs . I do have Neptune-Sun, Neptune-Mercury (double whammy), and Neptune-Moon with mine, so I know this all adds a very peaceful, loving, and dreamy atmosphere to it all, too. Simply Great!! I have a Libra Pluto square Capricorn Moon, so I have this with every single person in my Generation. He brings you joy. On my part at least. If we were the same age, I feel like we would be together in this lifetime, for our whole lives. Xoxoxo, Thank you ((Heather)) I think I would need to do the one question chart for you, not that I am trying to drum up business because I dont do that, but if you are serious, you should consider a chart. (Which I have natallyI hate bringing this energy to relationships. Strange, I thought If I see him somewhere I might not even recognize him why am I thinking about a stranger. We have his Chiron conjunct my Descendant, and his Jupiter conjunct my Ascendant. how could you even talk with him for so long, he is so not interesting LoL, Interesting Lynn. We can be apart, very, very far apart, and we still feel each other. Thank you so much for the thoughtful reply, Amiann! Pluto Transiting the 8th house in Aquarius, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates. Both of those times, I had a very powerful and almost overwhelming sensation of him before I ran into him or found out he was there the same time at me. Gemini mars Pluto is a dark astrological body that has an intense power that radiates from it. Hi Amiann! Hi. Thank you! The composite is eye opening as well but best to just see how things develop. We met in fb and have never met in person, but have shared enough to know more about each other than one could ever drean of. Love you, too, you cutie! And yet, it is so strong. Thats pretty close Id say. He however did not take advantage of me because I was intoxicated. Ive been with this guy for over a year. It must be very close. I can too, but I question myself because I dont want to think that Im just going insane. But this obsession I have for him has been since high school. Oh well, on some level I expected that and am not surprised and its probably for the best. He feels so familiar but mysterious to me. I hope I can do this in my articles. I like your explanation!! Welcome Isis! His Mars is in my 7th house and mess with some of my planets.. [woocommerce-edit-address-nonce] => You must be psychic too along with being an astrologer!! This is the love of a mother for her breastfeeding baby and a love of a woman for her lover, in one. You feel emotionally regenerated by each other, which greatly contributes to the longevity of a relationship. I would need to do a chart reading for you in order to look at the charts, my Friend. Theyre receiving emotional experiences that are like something theyve never experienced before. Lovely description. I am not saying it will but watch out for that potential when you fight. His ascendant trine my sun4.36 Sometimes party together but there are at leas 3 colleagues and sometimes even 50. You are woderful! Also nemesis square Venus? The Moon can quickly become jealous of everything going on in the Pluto individuals life. Your Higher Journey is bursting with free guides and articles on Astrology, Numerology and more to help you decode your destiny, discover what was written in the stars at your birth and how it affects your personality and your life. We can maybe talk more rather than spamming poor Amiann's thread with our gushing words, hahaha! I was just wondering the effects it will have on us upon meeting. Her pluto and mars conjunct my ASC. Only why do that? The Moon individual might become codependent on the Pluto individual. Its like a real-life CRYSTAL BALL. Its because it feels so GOOD to meetwe want to be perfect for each other. (He doesnt do anything bad to me, its just a my feeling they were before I met him) I have a moon in scorpio (disturbing) in the 7th house (thats why i react to people. In astrology, Pluto is a feared planet, and this is not without any reason. He feels less intense about me than I do about him. Its intense. My Pluto sextile his Uranus I cursed at him more than Ive ever cursed at anyone in my life. In other words, he too has moon conjunct libra natally. We dream of each other, think of each other and daydream about one another every day. I know he is capable of intense feelings, as he is a scorpio Sun conjunct Pluto, natal Moon in Leo square Pluto. When we reconciled recently he told me he is painfully attracted to me and and thinks and dreams of me often (12th house synastry I suppose) but he has been unfaithful to me in the past so I always end up running away. It said it that its karmic too. (And in some not so good ways, although I know this is not from Pluto-Moon, and probably from My Scorpio Pluto being conjunct his Scorpio Sun/Mercury. No, it does not sound like Lilith/Sun as this is raw sexuality. Your venus in conjunction to my ascendant. These past experiences, which are held on tightly by the couple, will surface in the relationship. Moon/Pluto especially in hard aspect is weird lol. What is the story behind it? I met this guy at a time when I was having a separation from my husband and was not looking for anyone. One of my last relationships featured a Pluto opposite Moon aspect in synastry. My Midheaven opposites his Sun There is a lot of unspoken love They always want to comfort others and let them know that the Moon person cares for them. But they are sooo intense. I know he likes me, I am sure he knows too, our eyes speak, but we are both at the edge. I am very sorry, Sugar dear. Double whammy Mars moon and he already talks about marriage and kids. If you are interested in ordering a reading please. No major Nessus and Dejanira connections. Sorry, last question.. Maybe SOMETIMES in this aspect the moon softens pluto a little? this is going to be epic lol. You captured my feelings exactly! I see such goodness in his heart, and I want to nurture that and give him the love he deserves. HELP! My Sun squaring your Venus Welcome, Knowflakes, to Lindaland! Copyright 2022 | Our content does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. ps. Chiron runs once and then it is done. It`s so interesting! Why dont you come and put your chart on my Forum E and you can ask all your preguntas , Recin creo haber entendido que me comentaste que estudias espaol,puede ser? Pluto sq Moon is putting your passions in a box and they come out another way like in an addiction or in rage. Ever since I met this man I have shamefully been obsessed with him pretty much on a daily basis. My boyfriends Moon opposes my Pluto at an orb of 0.45, your description seems to be accurate despite the aspect being in opposition! Sorry! It calls us to analyze our decision-making, relationships, and perception. I kept telling my friends it was PURE FATE. How about choose one and ask me, my Friend and Welcome! Pluto, sometimes, is the mastermind of chaos. Sometimes the square can indicate sexual incompatibility, but depending on other aspects in the synastry . ** Does he feel this too? Taurus Jupiter 4. okay. Midheaven trine Jupiter 2.33 I will be back tomorrow to talk a little more about them but they are very nice! However because of our moon/neptune conjunction things never really got off the ground properly, which you are also right about (the moon/neptune conjunction issue)! , May be it is important to know that we have Sun/Moon conj. You should come put the chart up in my Personal Readings Forum! The moon Pluto is just unreal. Moon Square Pluto synastry creates a powerful exchange of emotional energies that can be downright destructive. As soon as I talked to him, I felt this magnetic pull, as if I have known him for 1000 years and all I wanted to be is near him. Very Neptunian although I think the powerful emotion driving this desire and immense love comes from the Pluto aspects specially Moon-Pluto. I feel like he is in my heart, my mind, my soul, my being. My Jupiter sextile his Moon On top of that he has Jupiter on my ASc and our composite has Mars/Venus conjunct. . But not sure. The Pluto individual has great power to change the Moon individuals life. I think you will be bowled over by each other on first meeting! Hmm Rhia Hi LP! Ive been in love before and didnt think love could ever feel better than what I had experienced until I met this man and blew that out of the water!! He also has Uranus square mercury . The weird thing for me is that I can understand that you run once. I think its fate. Like most conjunctions, Moon conjunct Pluto synastry has the tendency to play out positively unless the planets are afflicted.. There is a cosmic magnetism thats going to bring these two individuals together whether they like it or not. Aries Saturn, My planets: You show it to an animal, a child, a lover and God. So trine. Its kinda like every emotion mixed into to one, a big contradiction. His Pluto conjunct my Moon. House placements: I dont expect well ever be together, but it now makes sense that I cant really give him up despite my being an overall pretty reasonable person I guess my own square doesnt make things any easier and maybe his own personal trine reinforces our aspect, or am I wrong? Mercury conjunct Rising 5.66 Pluto conjunct Jupiter Vertex sextile Venus 0.68 It does not seem like it should from what you say. But with the couple's devotion and commitment to each other, there is nothing these people cannot solve. I think he understands my soul, in both everything I've told him and through what he's seen in my eyes. we tried breaking up so many times only to keep coming back. Anyway.I will go post the charts..thanks! His moon trine my pluto orb 6.21, I have met a guy who radiates something very lovely that I feel deep inside. My Scorpio Moon conjunct his Pluto. All that I know is I am pretty crazy about him and it shows (the crazy, that is, ???). I have long comments in your forums section from a few months ago, if you want to reference the situation. It was heaven again! and thats my question, cause I dont know whos the moon and whos pluto? The girl I have recently spoken with was pluto and she could attest to the obsession on her part. I hate when that happens! When your moon touches a persons Pluto, you join a club of a few. Let`s say we are two different sides to one professional field. It only shows you the possibility of the future. You might also find this Moon Square Plutoarticle interesting to you. Thank you Xx, thank you very much for the texts and answers, Hi Ami *Moon conjuncts moon (cancer/cancer). Hello, I am wondering about the situation when man has anscendant-moon-pluto conjunction in his natal chart. Fear always about losing the other, about being alone with these intense feelings. i mean i wasnt really going for an individual aspect synopsis, i just wanted to know if the intensity of all those Pluto to personal planets contacts would create a mutual infatuation/attraction or if its likely to be unrequited/repulsion. I fear for bad things happening to you if you go with this guy when you both are married! No doubt I`m attracted to him. Oh GodIm lost then. Careful not to get to a Moon person's wrong side because they live by the saying I can forgive, but never forget.. I have Moon Pluto with someone. Weird is exactly the right word, thank you Amiann! Lets take a closer look at some of the features of a Moon Square Pluto synastry. You will die with his name on your lips. I have never been so obsessed with someone in my life or felt so crazily and completely irrationally attracted. So, when the Moon and Pluto are in a square position, such a connection indicates that people, who have this aspect, truly have difficulty expressing their emotions because this aspect blocks them. I feel a longing to pour my soul out to him. How about moon conjunct pluto in a composite chart? Wow I thought there will be no more comments! The Moon individual has a way of instinctively knowing what to give the Pluto individual while the person with the Pluto placement knows exactly what buttons to press to elicit an emotional response in their partner. He needs to be careful, too. I have this aspect with a guy that I like. Pluto stays the same for many people of the same generation, so people born close to one another will have Pluto conjunct, which is no big deal. Thank you so much for your post, Love. I happened to be making a video when we crossed paths in teh street so I have the recording of the moment we set eyes on each other and the First Meeting chart is just as intenseThe first night after we met we dreamt about each other and he told me he loved me in my dream..4 weeks later he left the country and it is like I can hear him in my headThe connection is INCREDIBLE..despite an alarming age gap.. We broke up a year ago, but I still feel as if he wont let me go. If your moon is in hard aspect either square or opposition to Pluto you can be a formidable force in your life and the lives of others. This is the love of a mother for her breastfeeding baby and a love of a woman for her lover, in one. He described to me that he felt as though a computer virus of me had downloaded into and completely taken over his brain. That is sad. To sum this up we have very man connections dynasty wise so I was wondering what they might just reflect. Its very common for people who have had a Moon Square Pluto synastry relationship to comment that this is the best sex theyve ever experienced. I dont do that or need that, but for a really correct opinion beyond my few comments, I would need to look at the charts, my Friend xoxo, okay! Moon- Mars Double conjunction whammy I am obsessed with him 24/7. Venus Square Ascendant 137 -117 And if someone is talking to me, he will just stare me down and saying nothing, even showing me his back. Perhaps, he feels overpowered but the Moon feels it as intensely as the Pluto imo. I never felt like that in my life Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Due to circumstances, we cannot get involved. My Pluto trine his Moon Oh Lord.scary. When your moon touches a person's Pluto, you join a club of a few. Really! YES, the Moon is heart. Sometimes I get a quick glimpse of something in his words or actions, but he shudders it quickly, as do I. Love, :p well, I have this with a guy his scorpio moon conjunct my pluto making 3 orb! Pisces sun xx. You will pay for doing that and it wont be worth it. My guy and I are both quite Plutonian, and Scorpio is a big part of our Moon-Pluto connections, so this is not only somewhat natural to us, but fiercely desired. Which are you? North Node sextile Mars 0.17 Let me know . Then a much shorter one saying I would wait no matter how long. Both Moon/Pluto and venus /Pluto are super powerful. And moments when Ill think of him, hell write, or vice versa. Merc sq Uranus is brilliant but crazy. Moon conjuct pluto in 10 degrees This reading will be your guiding light, an astrological blueprint to get you on your true path towards a life of happiness, love and abundance. With the negative aspect, the "Plutonian" personality can show jealousy and possessive tendencies toward the "Venusian" one, trying . It signifies our secrets and unconscious. Oh my goodness!! Being so emotionally naked with Pluto, the Moon person will give in to Pluto's request. These two intense energies will blend when the relationship begins and becomes rooted deeply. Moon square Pluto 3.74 BUUUUUT hes not into me. I would have to do a chart and really study it to answer well for you, my Friend. Have you met him yet or is it long distance, at this point? I met a man who make totally mess in my head. GREAT post, Lovelost He is only kind to girls and his friends, but not to all people. Interpretation? With Pluto comes jealousy, obsession, compulsion, fearsome desire, terror, rage-a fight to the death, to the last gasp. A Moon Square Pluto synastry is definitely something of a cosmic red flag. (All the above aspects are harmonious, except for an opposition with Neptune-Moon.). Sorry. Im convinced he was crying at that time. What does Uranus conjunct Dejanira (2) conj Nessus (approx. How wide is the sextile? Venus Conjunct Pluto Synastry. This can indicate a relationship that can go through many emotional changes and can be tumultuous but very deep. Like you, I run from mine. Mars conj Pluto is super sexy, I see I have already posted on this one!! He could lose his license and it sounds like an bad accident waiting to happen. We know each other for 2 2,5 years. I have moon conjunct pluto in libra in natal chart. I always felt our relationship was more special than others. Vertex square Midheaven 0.26 If not resolved, it will lead to permanent separation between the couple. Does it mean that Im in a unrequited love where Im totally attracted and he plays games with me ? Never had anyone who could really read me that well or who I could read so well in return. When Pluto has a positive alignment, this could be it. This could be a relationship that lasts your whole life and is completely fulfilling. To escape the worst of the painful memories I changed fb. Mars trine Jupiter 2.23 We have gotten along famously since day 1, and now that we dont live in the same house, maybe something could transpire, but he is SO much younger, it doesnt seem right.. We have incredible synastry, though! As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my. Scorpio/Cancer would be more so. I think this is actually the only a way I can have a lasting relationship with someone more or less my age. Her Pluto is conjunct to my Sun, Venus and Jupiter. The trine and sextile are significantly easier to handle. We had tons of explosive arguments. Also he is a Scorpio sun, I am a Cancer sun suns trine so Moon/Pluto is our sun signs respective rulers! Dont go against what you know is right imo. Are these heartbreak aspects? Then in his natal to her draconic chart : his anscendant-MOON-pluto conjunct her pluto and opposite her moon. Saturn Sextile Mercury 015 90 A Venus-Pluto lover needs to love into the bottom layers, to "fully" and "completely" feel another's desire. Pluto-Moon Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) Both the Moon and Pluto represent shadows and depths of a personality. Much love. His flaws make me want to care for and protect him all the more, in fact. Its very easy for us to know exactly what the other is thinking or feeling, just by looking into each others eyes. but I scared of having such an impact on me .. I look forward to it! ( I am the Moon person, and I have an exact trine with his Pluto. Im the Saturn.). I sort of feel the same with my situation. Hmmm_ Moon/Pluto with children. So our Moons form a trine even though the orb is wider. This position represents our hidden thoughts and feelings. Moon square Pluto in synastry: The emotional bond between you is very complex. ). Pluto opp MC Anyone else noticed the assistance of asteroids or retro planets with their moon-pluto connections? I dont believe in past lives so don;t do past lives readings but Moon/Pluto is the most amazing synastry aspect of all! His Venus is also in my 4th house. Wow, you both feel it! My Venus quincunx his Ascendant We also have mars pluto conjunction, venus mars conjuction, lilith pluto conjuction, chiron trine pluto, juno saturn conjuction and the worst venus square saturn (1 orb). We have very strong synastry including my (taurus) moon trining his Pluto (virgo) at 0.67. The chemistry is extreme and we are also best friends. Will the relationship last? Its a working relationship. Originally posted by itsladykaramazov Sun quincunx Venus 6.56 Pluto Conjunct Ascendant Synastry: Obsession and Psychological Games Another key theme of the Pluto conjunct ascendant love is obsession and control. Your Pluto touching his ASC is strong. if Pluto sees how vulnerable the moon is in conjunction, maybe Pluto will protect it rather than damage it? Let's say A's Mars is in close conjunction with B's Pluto (tight orb; less than 3 degrees). If You are interested in our synastry, here we go (I am left). My Pluto at 22 Virgo trine his Moon at 20 Capricorn. The partners may feel like they are soulmates. Are we soul mate? Sun conj Moon is best friends and TRUE soul. Venus Trine Mars 229 63 It's well-deserved. Here: We feel this TERRIBLY. The trine is just heavenly! His Gemini Ascendant? And I want to tell you what I do regarding the social media bit. He has it in Aries at 1823. Hes 26 and Im 46 (albeit in quite good shape and looking much younger than my years. Pluto has a way of swinging a synastry interpretation entirely. , You're absolutely right it feels like HOME! I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. I asked this because my moon is opposite his neptune and I dont want any kind of fooling around on my part. Jupiter square Midheaven 1.95 Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this FREE personalized Video Moon Reading. What does that do? He has scorp asc, scorp moon, pisces venus, scorp pluto, moon conjunct pluto, mars square pluto in his natal! We will get into how this could be a good thing in just a little bit, but for now its enough to know that this is often an emotionally chaotic and harmful bond. Moon-Neptune in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous. His Pluto aspects my planets 6 times! My Pluto sextile his Uranus My Venus trine his Sun (double whammy) The Pluto wants to control the gentle, fragile Moon. Uranus Square Saturn 224 -64 I have a double whammy with my boss. helpful. Oh yes. Synastry is concerned with two different people connecting. I see little to nothing written on this aspect in Synastry, composite or even natal. For example, we also have a conjunction between his Mars and my Pluto (His Pluto in scorpio is Ruler his Mars in scorpio). Were both very Plutonic, so in a way, we seem to thrive in this intensity. We have each others Juno on the others ASC and his Juno is Conjunct my Jupiter! Moon is the celestial body that correlates to our deepest emotions. Celebrating for her even if shes not there. The dream and think of each other every day thing I can also attest to. I have them conj Venus and the Sun, respectively. What do you think? In order to keep each other focused on the relationship, power struggles and manipulative tactics often surface. Moon Conjunct Pluto Transit. What's it like? I felt crazy because I thought I l. THANKS. This relationship is all about deep emotional transformation. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. So I have his Mars touching my Moon as well. The intense control that the Pluto individual is going to have over the Moon individual in this synastry is a major cause for concern. Because Moon people are sensitive, they are also emphatic. I keep finding her staring at me.STARING (and I dont mind lol).

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