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Charles Stuart Young. Stoker Petty Officer Percival Thomas Welsh, D/K.65831. Major (temporary) Frank Martin Carrington Hobson (333524), General List, Infantry. 552083 Squadron Quartermaster-Sergeant (acting) Charles Taylor. 2134100 Acting Corporal Sybil Aline Garrood Speed, WAAF. Captain (Quartermaster) George William Thomas Plumbridge (76817), Royal Regiment of Artillery. Ida Christina Smith, President, Angaston Red Cross, State of South Australia. 7384024 Private Leslie George Baxendale. No 6282477 Warrant Officer Class I Richard John Townsend, The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment). No. Ah Soo Lee, Chief Clerk at Chinese Protectorate. Robert Spence Foster, OBE, lately Director of Education, Kenya. In 1960 he published Yukio Mishimas semi-autobiographical Confessions of a Mask, which made his reputation, but the success of that book meant, as so often happens with small publishers discoveries, that Mishima moved on to bigger firms for more money. Alexander Nathaniel Dixon, Staff Sergeant Major, Jamaica Constabulary. Please expand the article to include this information. Mavattakudi Sinnaswamy Srinivasan, Deputy Controller of Stamps, Security Printing, India. No. Major Dennis George Harmsworth Tuite (31615), Corps of Royal Engineers. Engineroom Artificer 3rd Class Robert Phillip Joiner, C/MX.55782. No. Khan Bahadur Ibrahim Khalil Khan, Additional Settlement Officer, Hazara. But he does not know at times that I am his wife. The 68-year-old actress was speaking at a ceremony to mark a 28 million revamp of her old drama school, the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA). Matron Viola Cecily Daisy Spedding (206432), QAIMNS. John Jabez Wilkinson, lately Principal Foreman, Ammunition Factory. 978742 Corporal Robert William Milne Chalmers, RAFVR. Major (Commissary) John Stacey Bolton, MBE, Indian Miscellaneous List. Herbert Tower Sorley, CIE, Indian Civil Service, Chief Secretary to Government, Political & Services Department. No. No. For services in connection with hospitality to oversea forces in Scotland. 135702 Warrant Officer Class II (acting) Granville Grayer. Acting Wing Commander Charles Joseph Thomas Gardner (85952), RAFVR. Major (temporary) Henry Barker Wildish (136109), General List. Sachindra Nath Banerjee, Registrar-in-Insolvency, Original Side, High Court. [7] 1458492 Sergeant Samuel Johnston Fergus, Royal Regiment of Artillery. John Reginald Hugh Shaul, MSc(Econ), FSS, Government Statistician, Southern Rhodesia. No. Flight Lieutenant R. J. Jones (171677), RAFVR. Temporary Lieutenant Albert Edward Peter, RNVR. George Musgrave, Deputy Chief Constable, Oldham Borough Police Force. 1295266 Leading Aircraftman Ronald Arthur Russell Mills, RAFVR. Sardar Bahadur Gurdial Singh Harika, OBI, IDSM, Lieutenant-General in, and Chief of the General Staff. No. Francis Jackson Carter, JP, Assistant Under-Secretary and Assistant Clerk of the Executive Council, State of Tasmania. ), The Reverend Irving Davies, Chaplain, (Retd. Islington Burying Ground. She is an actress in London, England. Victoria Australia Births 1915. No. John McWilliams, Maintenance Engineer, Public Works Department, Kathleen May Megget. Sister Eva Winifred Stewart, PMRAFNS (5319). Brigadier (temporary) Peter Bevie Edward Acland, MC (25997), Royal Regiment of Artillery. Major (temporary) Frank William Ellis (216282), Corps of Royal Engineers. 808680 Warrant Officer Class II (acting) Reginald Arthur Boyes, Royal Regiment of Artillery. Acting Flight Lieutenant Ralph Simpson (110272), Royal Ak Force Volunteer Reserve. No. Corporal (Temporary) (Acting Temporary Sergeant) Maurice Edwin Richardson, Royal Marines, RME.11790. W/65365 Corporal Lilian Violet Rickett, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Lists. Colonel Godfrey Power Geddes, DSO, TD, Chairman of the Aberdeen Committee, Empire Societies War Hospitality Committee. Senior Commander (temporary) Margaret Louise Fletcher-Cooke, Women's Auxiliary Corps (India). Petty Officer Writer George Stephen Mann, D/MX.511558. No. He recalled saying to her: Look, you are good at writing pop songs and Im good at publishing, so why dont you do your thing and Ill do mine?. 973645 Leading Aircraftmen E. H. Williams, RAFVR. Mr. John Cassford, Acting Commissioned Boatswain. Major (temporary) William Hamilton Sanders (227114), Corps of Royal Engineers. S/14268060 Warrant Officer Class I (acting) Herbert Smith. S/168090 Staff-Sergeant Francis John Procter, Royal Army Service Corps. No. Warrant Officer A. H. Johnson (900452), RAFVR. Chief Petty Officer Wren Dorothy May Murphy, WRNS.1435. No. William McGee 6 John McGill of Coll. Sister Eileen Margaret Mary McComish (223213), QAIMNS(R). She was married tomusic publisher Peter Owen, with who she shares two sons. Muriel Spark, an early editor who had yet to publish her first novel, recalled in her memoirs working part-time at Peter Nevill and then in Owens first formal office in Old Brompton Road, South Kensington. Alice Stewart, Nursing Sister, Sierra Leone. Temporary First Officer Zillah Tempest Neal, Women's Royal Indian Naval Service. Captain (temporary) John James Fitzwilliam (175179), Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Major (temporary) Leonard Joseph Oliver Walker (180521). Major (temporary) Eric Jaques (150109), Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Flight Lieutenant D. R. Thompson, DFC (148905), RAFVR. No. 6459714 Sergeant Walter Alfred Furse, Army Catering Corps. No 390330 Warrant Officer Class I Alexander Hollick, ARCM. Temporary First Officer Lillian Betty Campbell, Women's Royal Indian Naval Service. 2126897 Corporal (acting) Edwin James Davis, Corps of Royal Engineers. Lieutenant-Colonel James Vere Denning, MC (2583), late Corps of Royal Engineers. 990549 Sergeant Ernest William Cooke, RAFVR. James Henry Pirie, Stores Superintendent. No. Captain (temporary) John Cyril Heywood (229480). Delayed for a year from autumn 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Hodge was invited by Nigel Havers to star opposite him in Nol Coward's Private Lives, the inaugural production of the Nigel Havers Theatre Company, directed by one of her previous collaborators Christopher Luscombe. Representative of. Quartermaster Sergeant (Temporary) Edward Charles Buckland, Royal Marines, CH/X.100586. Cardwell Sinclair Gunning, OBE, Indian Civil Service, Commissioner of Divisions. 1688905 Leading Aircraftman Alexander Allison Brann, RAFVR. 7349896 Staff-Sergeant William Alfred Wicken. 824233 Battery Quartermaster-Sergeant Thomas John Wright. No. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) John Robert Corlett (163260), Royal Army Ordnance Corps. For services during. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Harold Ernest Edwin Ault (34053). Petty Officer Wren Jessie Bernie Carl, WRNS.19698. W/15778 Sergeant (acting) Cicely Margaret Wilcox, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Captain (temporary) Moti Lal (M.Z.20944). Acting Squadron Leader Frank Howard Whitaker (62480), RAFVR. Warrant Officer S. N. Hind (745404), RAFVR. No. Percival James Lewis, JP, Member of the Swaziland Advisory Council. Captain (temporary) Jack Goss (259521), Royal Corps of Signals. No. No. Her spouse is Peter Douglas Owen ( m. 1976; died 2016) . She previously had an interview with Miranda Hart. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (A) Roy Leslie Turnbull, RNVR. Flight Lieutenant S. R. Roberts (123459), RAFVR. W/176772 Staff-Sergeant Lorna Milnes, Auxiliary Territorial Service. No. Major (temporary) Frederick William Stevens (174977), The. Yates (born Owen), Owen, Owen, King Williams Town, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Frederick Jones 5 James Jones 5 under Capt. 1900853 Company Quartermaster-Sergeant (acting) Donald Kay Smith. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Francis Westwood Grant (65982), Royal Regiment of Artillery. Alfred Ernest Hart, Manager of the Vocational Training Centre, Newfoundland, and formerly Administrative Officer, Newfoundland Oversea Forestry Unit. W/16752 Warrant Officer Class II (acting) Eileen Theresa King, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Miranda - series 2 -just act normal- red button interview. No. For public services in. Temporary Chief Yeoman of Signals Cecil Norman Carter, P/JX.141291. L/B.D.A./15 Sergeant Ulric Pearman Richardson, The Caribbean Regiment. No. Lauraeston Sharp, Assistant Superintendent, Uganda Police Force. No. McGregor Bedeau, Constable, Windward Islands Police Force. Temporary Electrical Lieutenant William Bennie, RNVR. Sri Rao Bahadur Thozur Madabusi Rangachari, Managing Director and Senior Partner, Messrs. Chari & Chari Ltd., Electrical Engineers, and lately Honorary Depot Superintendent, ARP, Madras. 13907515 Regimental Quartermaster-Sergeant Goolam Hossenkhan Alleear, Mauritius Regiment. Chief Petty Officer Albert Stephen Clyde Miller, P/J.108231. 854348 Sergeant Victor Francis Barton, Royal Regiment of Artillery. What will the next pandemic be? W/125169 Sergeant Annie Masterton Stewart, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Brigadier (temporary) Norman Murray Carstairs (5328), Brigadier (temporary) Gordon Henry Charlton, MC (11161), late. Park Lawn Cemetery & Mausoleum is located at the corner of Bloor Street and Prince Edward Drive. Chief Petty Officer Writer (Temporary) Arthur James House, P/MX.52806. Ernest Cecil Marchant, Principal, Daly College. Mr. Arthur James Condon, Commissioned Signal Boatswain. No. The Reverend Ivo Keown-Boyd. No. John Roger Orr, OBE, Honorary Secretary of the Scottish Branch, Empire Societies War Hospitality Committee. Flight Lieutenant P. A. Schnobb (Can/J. 1922242 Lance-Sergeant Charles Scoltock, Corps of Royal Engineers. No. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Archibald Aimers, RNVR. Burjor Framji Khambatta, MBE, Port Health Officer. Godfrey Butler Simmins, Colonial Veterinary Service, Chief Veterinary Officer, Palestine. William Henry Braine. Colonel (temporary) William Guy Shacklock (27944). the Finance Member, Government of India. Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander Henry Campbell McAusland. 328145 Sergeant (acting) Colin Shenton, The. Chief Stoker Frederick Charles Gillett, P/KX.75311. Flight Sergeant 1875800 N. H. Salter, RAFVR. Squadron Leader William Robertson (44351). Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Edward Alexander Wilmott Williams, MC (47677), The. 2582148 Lance-Sergeant Peter Brown Humpherson, Royal Corps of Signals. Petty Officer Wren Marion Ivy Herbert, WRNS.33732. Colonel (Temporary Major-General) Francis Malcolm Moore. Major (temporary) Frederick Douglas Adams (248137). Acting Flight Officer Patricia Kepple (5439), WAAF. Patricia Hodge - Listal Thomas Henry Dargavel, DFC (146983), RAFVR. Charles Godfrey Hayward, Detective Superintendent. Lieutenant (Quartermaster) Arthur Pickering (356958), Major (temporary) John Pickering (E.C.2825). No. No. Acting Commander Alan Oliver Wills, RNVR. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Arthur William Neville Langston Vickers (62638). Temporary Lieutenant John Frederick Middleton, RNVR. Major (temporary) Aloysius Joseph Ronald Dyer (I.E.C.46). Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Arthur Kenneth Clark (140012). Major (temporary) Leslie Arthur Camken (163957), Corps of Royal Engineers. Leading Writer (Temporary) Walter Jenkins, D/MX.81698. William Douglas Seckerson (182111), RAFVR. No. Colonel (temporary) George Barnett, MC (1270). Ava Dhar (wife of Mr. S. M. Dhar, CIE, ICS, Development Commissioner). Stores Chief Petty Officer William Charles John Osmond, D/MX.57062. Flight Lieutenant N. F. Bomford (129076), RAFVR. Acting Squadron Leader E. G. Pannell (86680), RAFVR. Petty Officer Cook (S) Leonard James Francis, P/MX.46313. Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander (Sp) Reginald Lawrence, RNVR. Acting Wing Commander Percival Griffiths (21199). Herimingldo Karubanga, late Kimbugwe (Country Chief) of Buruli, Uganda. No. Flying Officer W. R. R. Neave (N.Z.4213913). Flight Lieutenant A. D. Panton, DFC (33331). Adi Jehanzia Ardeshir, Outside Chargeman, British India Engineering Works. Acting Leading Seaman Lionel Richard Buckle, P/JX.325942. Lieutenant-Colonel (Temporary Brigadier) Albert William Homer Rea, OBE, AMIMechE, James Owen Marsland, OBE, His Majesty's Honorary Vice-Consul at. Acting Superintendent Mary Kathleen Lloyd, WRNS. 1008477 Sergeant Thomas Williamson, RAFVR. S/14757827 Corporal (acting) Frederick Albert Wilmut, Royal Army Service Corps. Major Gustav Albert Henry Korts, Deputy National Savings Commissioner, National Savings Bureau, Government of India. Acting Surgeon Captain George McCoull, MD, BS, LRCP, LRCS, VD, RNVR. No. No. Geni requires JavaScript! Petty Officer Telegraphist Leo Hewitt, D/J.102928. B. Goldie (41281), RAFO. Annie Blanch, Lady Clayton (wife of Sir Hugh Clayton, CIE, ICS (retired)), Women's Voluntary Service. Major (temporary) Norman Ronald Hayes (303998), Royal Regiment of Artillery. The controversial 'trauma expert' interviewing Prince Harry: Gabor Mat was warned by the Canadian government over his work with illegal 'spiritual' drug and called Gaza the 'world's largest outdoor prison', Kidnap victim Elizabeth Smart's best friend lays bare shocking new details about her disappearance - from the trauma of endless scrutiny and accusations faced by her parents to the horrific moment her dad thought police had found his child's BODY, Now California reparations panel RAISES amount it wants to give 1.8m black people from $220,000 to $360,000 each - as hearing is told payments are 'only way to stop our children busting into liquor and grocery stores', Fitness fanatic, 27, broke her spine lifting weights but didn't realise until she woke up the next morning unable to move - and why her terrifying injury should be a warning to all gym-goers. For voluntary services to the Empire Societies War Hospitality Committee in Edinburgh. Major Cyril Hughes Boulton, TD (38020), The. Temporary Lieutenant Alec James Wyatt, RNVR. Yeo Kim Eng, Headman and Manager, Lepers' market garden, Leper Settlement, Singapore. Richard De Kirklington Maynard, General Manager. 632907 Acting Flight Sergeant Stanley Clifford Drewe. Joseph Oliver Reilly, Colonial Postal Service, Postmaster General. Cecil Eagles Lynch-Blosse, Chief Constable. William Victor Aubrey, Assistant Inspector. Acting Wing Commander Edward Leslie Thomas Barton (85191), RAFVR. Acting Squadron Leader A. O'Malley (133849), RAFVR. 1457498 Leading Aircraftmen C. B. Scott, RAFVR. 1491792 Sergeant James George Atterbury, RAFVR. Squadron Leader C. A. R. Crews (37795), RAFO. 1304890 Acting Flight Sergeant Herbert Kern, RAFVR. Major (temporary) Ralph Wallace Cook (176549), Corps of Royal Engineers. 12986 Sergeant Frederick James Bowman, The. No. 8/10692699 Staff-Sergeant James Noel Harrison. Warrant Officer R. Witton (937385), RAFVR. 14765027 Lance-Corporal Bert Arthur Barker, Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Sick Berth Chief Petty Officer John Alfred David, C/MX.46294. Major (temporary) David Hartopp Nash (111705), Royal Army Ordnance Corps. British subject and British Vice-Consul at. Acting Matron Louisa Banham Cartledge, ARRC, PMRAFNS (5035). Able Seaman Arthur McCourt, GM, P/SSX.29101. No. Her height is 5ft 5 (165cm). S/164009 Sergeant (acting) Henry Joseph Eastham, Royal Army Service Corps. Leading Seaman Edward Threlfall, LT/JX.304066. 2349163 Sergeant (acting) Horace George Wilberforce Coward, Royal Corps of Signals. In 2023, Her Personal Year Number is 9. Chief Petty Officer Writer Philip Fixter, D/MX.47698. NEW ZEALAND POLICE. Hardie Emerson McNeil (Can/J.11320), RCAF. W/5222 Staff-Sergeant Ruth Burton, Auxiliary Territorial Service. No. 15000818 Staff-Sergeant Archibald John Alchin. Mary, Lady Lloyd (wife of Sir Alan Lloyd, CSI, CIE), Honorary Secretary. No. Edit your search or learn more She is an actress in London, England. Philip Dennis Proctor, Under Secretary, HM Treasury. Prabhas Chandra Ghose, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General of Munitions Production, Department of Industries & Supplies, Government of India. She is also famous for playing QC Phyllida Erskine-Brown in Rumpole Of The Bailey. No 7912679 Warrant Officer Class I (acting) Charles Massey. Wales Police Force. For services in Sungei Buloh. Patricia Hodge - Bio, Family, Career, Net Worth, Married, Husband Title: World War II servicemen alumni files, 1939-1945. Major (temporary) Frederick Arthur Thompson (E.C.16158), Indian Ecclesiastical Establishment. Arthur Percival Hughes. W/173884 Staff-Sergeant Frances Monica Tattersall, Auxiliary Territorial Service. Ms Hodge, who starred in Miranda, said she was . No. No. Pratip Chandra Basu, Works Manager, Alambagh Workshops. No 316265 Warrant Officer Class II William Leonard Street, Royal Armoured Corps. Thomas Maynard Hazlerigg, OBE, MC, Political Adviser, Major Hugh Kennedy McKee, MC. Entries in them continue for many years according to the length of service of each seaman . Acting Wing Commander Robert McLean (100720), RAFVR. Royal Corps of Signals. George Frederick Omond, lately Chief Executive Officer, Standing River Conservancy Board (Military). Captain (temporary) Frederick James Dodson (222847), Royal Army Ordnance Corps. John Robertson, OBE, Chief Constable, Renfrewshire Constabulary. Major (temporary) Hugh Douglas Macdougall (179646), Corps of Royal Engineers. Walter William Cooke, DFM (147312), RAFVR. Published 3 years ago . Details about her cars are not available but she reportedly has an expensive house in Lincolnshire. Steward Frederick Walter Langdown, P/LX.578786. m. James IV, King of Scotland (1473-1513) m. Marie de Guise (1515-1560) m. Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley (1546-1567) m. Princess Anne of Denmark and Norway (1574-1619) He was diagnosed with the illness two years ago but his condition quickly deteriorated. No. Michael Paul Mahoney, Head Constable, Newfoundland. Warrant Officer R. A. Marriott (1190134), RAFVR. Major (temporary) William Edward Northed (229127), Royal Regiment of Artillery. She was awarded the Laurence Olivier Theatre Award in 2000 (1999 season) for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in "Money", a production at the Royal National Theatre, Olivier Stage. Gordon Coligny Whitteridge. Children drinking PINTS and the King riding in a 14-wheel golden HGV - this is how AI thinks the King's big day could look and can YOU spot the other very odd things in the images? List of Fav. No. Lieutenant-Colonel (temporary) Frederick William Grant (68159), Indian Army Ordnance Corps. 973742 Staff-Sergeant Arthur Watson Fielding, Corps of Royal Engineers. Acting Squadron Officer Mary Margaret Wade (48), WAAF. No 7617170 Warrant Officer Class II Leonard Woolley, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. No 6664987 Warrant Officer Class I Archibald Charles White. Acting Lieutenant-Commander (Sp) Duncan Charles Holloway, Royal Indian Naval Volunteer Reserve. Temporary Lieutenant (S) George Langridge, RNVR. No. Frederick Cameron Sillar, Assistant Secretary, Captain Richard Thomas Smailes, Master, MV. No. James MacMunn, Senior Instructor, Education Department. Sidney Victor Goodwin, Assistant Works Manager.

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