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However, some of these missions have been criticized as being too underfunded, undermanned, and untrained. It is nonsense that I have to learn German or French to work in laters countries. After several conventions, the African Union was formed in 2002. The efforts to silence the guns has been singularly ineffective. Leaders adopted masters methodology and ideology of leadership. In conclusion, the African Union comprises all but one of Africa's countries. U are just giving the same caucasianised view that makes the real solutions to Africas problems impossible without even proposing a better one. We would also have a congress (council) that would make the Nations laws. You just foolish you have never had of adapting those Arabs will not torment us .majority rules. HUMAN RESOURCES, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (Education, Information Technology Communication, Youth, Human Resources, Science and Technology)6. I love the idea and love these discussions. The African Union works closely with diplomats from the United States, European Union, and United Nations. Morocco's tension with Western Sahara continues to strain the entire organization. Due to the political chaos that ensued after the Portuguese left and gave up their claim on Angola, the nation was convulsed by a violent civil war. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/african-union-definition-1434325. When all three of these areas share the same party and same views, laws will be more easily agreed on, thus they will be passed quicker. They threaten interstate and regional stability. In addition to the prospect of building a career within your field of expertise, working with the AU can offer a fulfilling environment that gives you satisfaction by providing the platform to . A few nations, like Niger, Mauritania, and Madagascar have been suspended from the organization after political events like coup d'etats. Rather than leading to unified empires as it did in Germany and Italy, nationalism brought division to the empires of Astro-Hungary and Russia. It makes no sense to suggest they all adopt a unilateral administrative pattern different from what they have known for thousands of years. Nigeria, for instance, has over 250 ethnic groups, just like there would be in the United States of Africa. The African Union works hand in hand with leaders and diplomatic heads from the United States of America, European Union. Tourism and immigration are promoted, as well as better uses of energy and the protection of Africa's precious natural resources such as gold. TRADE AND INDUSTRY (Trade, Industry, Customs and Immigration Matters)7. Finally, the issue of foreign military forces on the continent. Espresso vs Coffee: What Are the Differences? The Portuguese began colonizing Angola in 1575 and the people of Angola were unable to regain their independence for four centuries. Do you want to stay a puppet of France and othets or do you want to die trying? Its a win win. He tweets via @Ibrahim_Anoba. China and India are often referenced as good replicas for Africa in this regard, but both countries owe their success to shared ancestral language among their people. This insinuates that foreign countries and organizations that provide aid, need to reevaluate why aid isnt making a bigger impact at fixing the problem. State and non-state actors in Africa waged about 630 armed conflicts between 1990 and 2015. A bill has to pass through both houses of congress as well as the president before it can be an official law. The rest will inevitably change one way or the other. Our shining example is Rwanda that all dreams are possible when u believe in yourself and abilities. The Assembly of Heads of State and Government is the supreme organ of the Union.The Executive CouncilComposed of Ministers or Authorities designated by the Governments of Members States. Think of it, we have it all here, including diamonds, gold, oil and gas. It studies the causes of these problems, like famine, drought, crime, and war. There will be the less corruption between the leaders and the population because there will be more stable security in all parts of EAC members The use of the same currency in the E.A.C region will reduce monetary union instability and it will eliminate the rate of the exchange rate and favors trade for the participated countries. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was officially signed at the African Union Assembly in Kigali, Rwanda on March 18, 2018. The numbers are going up via bilateral agreements between African states and foreign governments. Whereas, imposing an alien language on a group, is an attempt to erase their identity. Chris Changwe Nshimbi receives funding from the European Commission (Erasmus+), Department of Science and Technology/National Research Foundation (DST/NRF, South Africa), The Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES). I dont blame it on our colonizers only however this doesnt change the fact. True as it may be that many African countries are progressing what about those that arent . Also, if the AU had achieved its goal of uniting Africa under a confederacy, there would be no calls for another form of union. GADDAFI was a pan-africanist. African society is too complex to work under a unitary system. Such bottom-up solutions, based on intimate knowledge of local areas, are key to success. New system of govt where president are fire and hire not by election. High Labor Costs On the employer side, unions can create higher annual labor costs for the company. The number of union jobs has been steadily declining. This can affect employee morale, reduce productivity and negatively impact communication. The regional bloc occasionally gives early warnings of brewing conflicts in member states. The headquarters of the AU is now housed in a magnificent multi-million dollar complex in Addis Ababa that has been provided by the China as a gift to Africa. The organization is deeply in debt and many consider some of its leaders to still be corrupt. An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena. H.E. Over time, political and economic structures in Africa have changed continuously. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Fax: +251 11 551 78 44, African Leaders Urge Continent to Strengthen Political Will Toward Achieving Continental Nutrition Targets, Pan-African Network Conference on Fighting Illicit Financial Flows in Africa Theme: From Words to Actions, Invitation to JLMP Priority End of Project Learning Event & Launch of JLMP Lead Theme: African Labour Migration: Emerging Issues and Policy Response, The Chairperson of the AU Commission congratulates H.E Tinubu for being proclaimed winner of Nigerian presidential polls, Workshop on the Communication Strategy of the AU-EU-UN Partnership Project for Enhancing the AU's Compliance and Accountability Framework for its Peace Support Operations, Africa Environment and Wangari Maathai Day, Joint Statement on the Post-Electoral Phase of the 25th February 2023, Nigerian General Election, Signing of Negotiated Agreement for the African Games in Ghana, The AMHEWAS Situation Room for Disaster Risk Reduction receives its first visit by an African Head of State, South Sudan Requests AUC Support on Sustainable Environment and Climate Change Adaptation, Economic Integration & Private Sector Development, Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (ARBE), Economic Development, Trade, Industry, Mining (ETIM), Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (ESTI), Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS), Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development (HHS), Programming, Budget, Finance & Accounting, Other Mission and Special Liaison Offices, Key Transformational Outcomes of Agenda 2063, Constitutive Act, Charters, Privileges & Immunities, Agriculture & Environmental Management Treaties, Treaties on Trade, Economic Integration & Development, Treaties on Refugees, Migration, Labour & Employment, Treaties on Education, Science & Technology, Executive Council Decisions and Declarations. Here Are 9 Treatments. The African Union's democratic principles have gradually reduced corruption and unfair elections. By looking for unit to gain our identity back before anything else, will be the move to the right direction. If we want something badly we must first tackle the obstacles. Since member states or countries have different official languages, it sometimes makes communication quite difficult. Thats is the reason i decided to comment. This report is going to analyze their 2nd expansion, which took place in the United Kingdom during the year 2006. As a scholar, I would think you would look at the worldview and history before arriving at conclusions. Years later, Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi, a strong proponent of African unity, encouraged the revival and improvement of the organization. The African Court of Justice works to ensure that human rights for all Africans are respected. ECONOMIC AFFAIRS (Economic Integration, Monetary Affairs, Private Sector Development, Investment and Resource Mobilization). The constitution would prohibit their deployment on homeland territories, meaning that during civil unrest the gov cant call them in. Countries that are alike and have mutual interests work together. Absence of a standing army: Another problem faced by the African Union is the fact that it lacks a standing or ready army which makes it difficult when it comes to enforcing political decisions of the unions. Its up to you live for areason that would die rather than dieing for a reason that would live. Yes, there are lots of procedures required to get all the ingredients together, they are possibly all found in different places but with one motive and intention, we will and shall get all ingredients in place and mix them for our delicious bread. Mr. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda, was appointed to lead the AU institutional reforms process. In the eyes of colonialist countries, that was impossible. Tel: +251 11 551 77 00 For an area like the EU, this is a substantial part of the economy. The racist bastards dont want to be a part of it as it will bring them back so that just leaves eastern western and southern. We now use english because of colonialism. Official language is modified swahili (simpler) like the american English. Africa is rich in natural resources that we can use to benefit ourselves and better our lives We need united states of Africa, if Africa has to move from its current position, we need Most advocates of a United States of Africa often propose a unitary system with one parliament and president. ThoughtCo, Feb. 16, 2021, thoughtco.com/african-union-definition-1434325. The African Union supports agricultural projects. Other African leaders stated they would study the proposals implications, and re-discuss it in May 2009.} Nigeria and the African Union (AU) are good examples. Our diversity is our strength. Thats always the issue. Division amongst African nations due to sovereignty 3. Find out more by visiting the links on right. Ordinary people can also provide vital information to early warning systems. 2. Required fields are marked *. Perhaps Malema and his comrades have yet to realize that the more powerful a central government is, the greater the possibility of tyranny. Different tribes have specific attitudes toward the economy. Here are five reasons he and other advocates of a United States of Africa should have a rethink. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCcmuwrAUq8. Today we are talking about these difference because we were told so. My name is Ryan and i will be needing support of being the founding father of USA.I have learnt a lot of the long and short of the union.God bless! We can always let white do the thinking for us. As for the. The people that have been pushing this idea for decades are pan-africanist, Mugabe, black diasporians that dont fully understand Africa beside their racial Black panther wakanda fantasy view of what they think Africa is. Financial issues: Insufficient finance is also another major problem that is presently bedeviling the African Union. My people, this is just an outline of what would be of the new country. Africa is too diverse to be united. so if you talk about tribes and languages, it shows how much we need this badly. iam a kenyan and i think youve just locked your mind to think that the U.S.A wont work.youve just revolved around one problem in diffrent forms.you should also have consindered the benefits of the unison rather than the downsides.the issue of tribes should also not be the seperating factor.and even though we speak diffrently we are one people. Nigeria and the African Union (AU) are good examples. This they suggest should be replaced by uniting all ethnic groups on the continentover 3,000 of themunder a bigger entity. Proposals for an African central bank and an African monetary union at the continental level are still on the drawing board, as vested interest and concerns about sovereignty hold back the necessary political will to drive the process. If time was stationary, I would have no problem accepting all what the writer has said. Either way, the geopolitical structure of the continent would not allow for such unification. We thrive on diversity. Subduing terrorists would be easy if done quickly and undercover. Africans can only be respected if United. Two years later he was dead. Each state was to have equal powers and in most ways was to be independent of the other states. Remember Together we stand, divided we fall. P.O. Definition and Historical Perspective, The Origins, Purpose, and Proliferation of Pan-Africanism, Biography of Julius Kambarage Nyerere, Father of Tanzania, Ongoing UN Peacekeeping Missions in Africa, History and Principles of the United Nations, Economic Community of West African States. Anyway this is a great idea .lets take an example of a chain.its made strong by sub pieces together.bit when it was one,it was the weakest. The emerging conflict in the Cabo Delgado Province in Mozambique falls into this category. What Are the Disadvantages of the EU? President Woodrow Wilson established Americas goal for joining World War I as making the world safe for democracy. At the conclusion of the War, President Wilson declared fourteen principles for peace to be used during the Paris Peace Conference, called the Fourteen Points. Located in West Africa, Burkina Faso is between 9 20 ' and 15 5 ' latitude north, and between 2 20 ' longitude east and 5 30 ' longitude west, Burkina Faso is landlocked country, with an area of 274,200 Km and the number of its inhabitant is estimated around17.42 million in 2014 (The World Bank, 2015). Since the beginning of their activity in Denmark starting on the mid 2001, the company has managed to expand to other 12 countries (see Exhibit 1). Although the OAU gave weapons to rebels and was successful in eliminating colonization, it could not eliminate the massive poverty problem. I agree with you lekki. The African Union is one of the world 's most dominant intergovernmental operations. Notably, its military intervention in The Gambia forced the despotic Yahya Jammeh to vacate office in early 2017, after losing the presidential elections. It also wanted to promote peaceful solutions to conflicts, ensure sovereignty forever, and raise living standards. However, several smaller multi-state organizations exist in Africa, like the East African Community and the Economic Community of West African States, so the African Union can study how successful these smaller regional organizations have been in combating poverty and political strife. Countries deal with tribalism. First of all i am Kenyan and i have seen first hand that the majority of your cherry picked differences dont hold any actual form. Its goal is to establish a single market which promotes Intra-Africa trade, allowing free movement of people and investments. At the time, it wasnt my desire to leave my beloved county. we are ready to learn anything that is needed to unite as including languages as well as essential things to live together. It is only a matter of time for those called developing nations to join the developed ones. I am an inventor, an engineer, a business owner, I work in all the fields necessary to know how to solve problems. #AfricaUnite, We will have our own USA I mean the United states of Africa amen.The first step is to take action stop talking, China and India are often referenced as good replicas for Africa in this regard, but both countries owe their success to shared ancestral language among their people. In 1750 - 1900, European countries wanted to build empires all over the world; they wanted to provide materials for industrialization. The thought that this way of life can be changed by imposing a single identity is simply absurd and un-African. The thirteen states included: Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Rhode Island. Often, those who have strong feelings of nationalism share a common language, common culture, and common history, as the text says on page 532. The coward never achieve his goals..United Africa must be achieved when we believe in ourselves that we can.. First of all..just because we are black isnt goo enough reason for people to form a country..its like saying Caucasian Europe become one country,or Asia becomes one countryGreat Britain has issues with its union aswel..so did the Soviet Union..and Africans are not just black..the Africans in some islands are more European than sub Saharan African..then Arabs in the North.. Afrikaans,indians.. plus the many tribes,languages,religions..this will bring more problems than solutions..where will the capital be?,currency?do you know how an economic difficult it is to have money flowing across such a wide area,with a problem in this region can cause an economic issue.. everywhereIf this country some how can to be..in less than 5 years.. Africa would be broken into 300 countries Problems are not always there to be fixed.. others are there to show thats not the solution..try another way.. Am happy to hear such discussion from African mouths and I salute sir Ibrahim Anoba for sparking up the agenda. Colonialism integrated Africa into international labor division. Immense human and material resources were consecrated to the task of decolonizing Africa. Additionally the majority will have power over the minorities. Such arrogance is a desperate attempt to avoid the inevitable. I think when you point and label some one as a dictator their is much to look at other than that. The majority of trade unions are independent of the employer. They should learn our languages too. Not forgetting that, United Lands industries will all be fully or mostly Privately owned. Dont get me wrong Swahili should be learned to improve communication amongst us, but that should not come to undermine our own mother tongues. Colonialism is when a country or state overpower a particular state by a use of propaganda for them to agree with their terms without the targeted state or country saying anything to the above-mentioned terms (Ocheni & Basil, 2012). I strongly believe in the Unity of our countries as it would give everyone an equal chance at freedom, prosperity, Justice, The African destiny and the trial by jury and many more constitutional rights. He appointed a pan-African committee of experts to review and submit proposals for a system of governance for the AU that would ensure the organisation was better placed to address the challenges facing the continent with the aim of implementing programmes that have the . so we need to unite inorder to have that sense of pride and belonging!!! The bottom line here is, people do better when they are not forced into a coalition. Some of these RECs, such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the East African Community (EAC) and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), have been quite active in exploring possibilities to harmonize budgetary and fiscal policies and for a monetary union on the basis of a common currency. Poverty is still a tremendous problem. We can finally have our own resources backing up the currency that would be a great storm to hit our land and we can finally create our own Central bank thats also backed up by our own resources and mineral altogether. An African Union passport may exist one day. UNECA estimates that AfCFTA will boost intra-African trade by 52.3% once import duties and non-tariff barriers are eliminated. Nigeria for Example has a boko Haram issue in Northern Nigeria and now it has bled over into Border countries areas like Chad, Niger, Cameroon, if their were no border countries it would have spread like wildfire into other countries. The association of poverty with Africa goes together like apple pie and America. To make some headway the African Union needs to recognise this, and design solutions to conflicts that are informed by the need to protect human rights. Unlike the OUA which followed a doctrine of non-interference in the internal affairs of member states, the AU has the authority through decisions of its Peace and Security Council to interfere in member states to promote peace and protect democracy, including deploying military force in situations in which genocide and crimes against humanity are being committed. This would be an agency of the Department of Justice that would investigate all crime ranging from the Federal to Local gov and also civil based crime. We can be more optimistic! But if you realize that once united we could create a line of credit using the continents aggregate resources and fund projects which will make us all financially more competitive and secure. Its like all asian countries or south American countries to be one country and turn to states without taking into consideration the internal issues and economic issues that they are dealing with. For example, it is conspicuously absent while bloody conflict escalated in Cameroon and Libya. I conclude by saying watch this bread bake. Its official languages are English, French, Arabic, and Portuguese, but many documents are also printed in Swahili and local languages. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. One reason for the failure is that the 2020 goal was too ambitious given the number of conflicts on the continent. Another amalgamation of a sort, especially a larger one, will only create further problems, moreover, Africans have always been autonomous. Citizens will be all black persons who are prominent in the world. An example is how the Chinese have nearly destroyed all indigenous Chinese languages in favor of Mandarin. Majority being Nigeria ethiopia egypt Drc south africa kenya and Tanzania. Untill Africa is unify, you will never know what true freedom feels like. It works to get healthy food, safe water, and adequate housing to the poor, especially in times of disaster. These African countries work diplomatically with each other despite differences in geography, history, race, language, and religion to try to improve the political, economic, and social situations for the approximately one billion people that live on the African continent. We believe in our weaknesses and think we cant do better without the hands of westerners.African people dont copy with modern laws and regulations. The African Union is an organization that was established on July 10th 2002 in South Africa. It does not tolerate inhumane acts such as genocide, war crimes, and terrorism. The organisation never suspended Zimbabwe over the coup that ended Robert Mugabes despotic presidency. Advantages of a customs union. The main investigative branch of the gov would be the (United Lands Federal Guard). It also hosts British, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish military bases. Linguistic history of India Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linguistic_history_of_India. The most important of these points was the final point: a general association of nations with the guarantees of political and territorial independence and security. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a0d337fd0b4b622aa3a3af10d0ee05fa" );document.getElementById("g8636a28f8").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Ibrahim Anoba is an expert in the African Political Economy and Editor of, While Egypt says it fights fake news, critics see new crackdown on free speech, Why Africa has just one profitable airline. I really dont think you know what you are talking about my fellow.Please before accussing the two leaders you have talked about,why dont you just do a research on your own,it wont take you long.Then you will realize if Africa had a leader,it was him,Muammar Gaddafi.I would like to talk about him but no time for that in writing,do a research and stop going for that which was exposed by the westerns,They did so to find a reason to kill him and his dreams for Africa and to extend their interest to Libyas oil and other minerals which they couldnt get when the lion was there.

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