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Right out of the gate, Second Timothy presents itself as a conservative letter, understanding "conservative" in the most literal sense of the word. Truth and holiness and endurance are wanted, not authority or outward order. In the Testament of Issachar, one of the books written between the Old and the New Testaments, we get a picture like this: "Know ye, therefore, my children, that in the last times. And there's such a complete, total absence of love. But the sin of the man who is arrogant is in his heart. The insult which comes from anger is bad but it is forgivable, for it is launched in the heat of the moment; but the cold insult which comes from arrogant pride is an ugly and an unforgivable thing. There are still Church dignitaries whose main thought is their own dignity; but the Christian is the follower of him who was meek and lowly in heart. It should be considered as one of the proper qualifications for membership in the church, to be willing to bear persecution, and to resolve not to shrink from any duty in order to avoid it. He is sure that the ungodly man will go from bad to worse and that there is literally no future for the man who refuses to accept the way of God. That is the inevitable way to ruin, for no man can master anything unless he first masters himself. That will = Who will live ( ) to desire, to want to, to wish. When our Lord was pleased to take upon himself the form of a servant, and to go about preaching the kingdom of God; he took all opportunities in public, and more especially in private, to caution his disciples against . It can mean that a man is so bitter in his hatred that he will never come to terms with the man with whom he has quarrelled. It is beautiful to trace this double working and current of the apostle that is, what is imperishable, above and beyond nature; and, along with this, the utmost value put on everything that he would own in those naturally bound up with him those of either family that feared God. Look what they did to Jesus, and Jesus said, "If they persecuted me, they're going to persecute you" ( John 15:20 ). One must try disorders and prove profession. "Much the greatest rogue of all is the man who has gulled his city into the belief that he is fit to direct it.". There is faith, complete belief that God's commands are binding and that his promises are true. Titus, we know, did so; but God took care that it should never be positively stated about Timothy. In those days trade tended to flow down river valleys; Ephesus was at the mouth of the River Cayster, and commanded the trade of one of the richest hinterlands in all Asia Minor. Paul goes on to other qualities of an apostle. Regardless of the persecution, it is our duty to live in such a way that the world will know that we are Christians. It answers all the ends of divine revelation. Men will be thankless (acharistos, G884) . Friday evenings, you know, everybody out looking for their weekend companion, incontinent, no sexual restraints. It is the word alazon ( G213) and was derived from the ale, which means a wandering about. In certain of these books Jannes and Jambres figured largely. And in the end they shall perish together with them." The world is full of these braggarts to this day; the clever know-all's who deceive people into thinking that they are wise, the politicians who claim that their parties have a program which will bring in the Utopia and that they alone are born to be leaders of men, the people who crowd the advertisement columns with claims to give beauty, knowledge or health by their system, the people in the Church who have a kind of ostentatious goodness. As members of the Church, we should sometimes ask ourselves, what are we trying to do in it? It was only to be expected that certain women would not know how to use their new liberty. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1977. Persons sometimes say it does not matter who taught; but God does not treat the matter so lightly. But it is asked, Must all men be martyrs? 10 million Ukrainians without power because of Russia. This was to touch the right chord in his heart. Our God is much too small. [4.] The apostle mentions the Lord's delivering him out of them all, for Timothy's and our encouragement under sufferings. This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come ( 2 Timothy 3:1 ). Living here almost in a Sodom-Gomorrah atmosphere and environment. If what be claims for scripture is true of the Old Testament, how much truer it is of the still more precious words of the New. 2. menin the professing Church. So the same Greek is used of the same thing, Lu 14:28, 33, "intending (Greek, 'wishing') to build a tower counteth the cost.". If they had been more faithful, and more like their Master, would they have always escaped? Again and again Scripture has opened for men and women the way to God. ", The Bible tells about God giving people over to reprobate minds, men who resist God and the truth of God. Storge is the word used especially of family love, the love of child for parent and parent for child. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. And Paul said, You've known the Holy Scriptures, able to bring you to a faith in Jesus Christ, salvation through the faith in Jesus Christ. It imagines "the faith" as something to be guarded (see 2 Timothy 1:14), lest it become corrupted or . I am reminded of the prophet of God who spoke concerning Israel, and he said, "They have sown the wind, and now they must reap the whirlwind" ( Hosea 8:7 ). Still the man has become crude, blasphemous, ranting and raving, a disgrace to Jesus Christ who said, "By this sign shall men know that you are my disciples, that you love one another" ( John 13:34 ). That is to say, they go through all the correct movements and maintain all the external forms of religion; but they know nothing of Christianity as a dynamic power which changes the lives of men. It would not be accordant with the mind of God. But now there were other reasons for it, namely, that Christians were neglecting godliness and order. He speaks of "all God-inspired scripture." It is interesting that the Scriptures in many places speak of the last days and in every case where the Scriptures speak of the last days, you find that it is an apt description of the day and the age in which we live. "The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus; for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain; but, when. Description of His Past Curriculum 2 Timothy 3:10-12. "Thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long-suffering, charity, patience, persecutions, afflictions." The strange characteristic of ingratitude is that it is the most hurting of all sins because it is the blindest. I believe God intended that you should enjoy life.There is nothing wrong with having pleasure. Now, there's nothing wrong with enjoying life. Christianity changed all that and a new set of problems arose. It is no accident that the first of these qualities will be a life that is centred in self. That desire for more. Paul kept back nothing from his hearers, but declared to them the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27), so that if it were not their own fault they might fully know it. There is instinctively, I think, within persons that love of a parent for a child or an adult for the child because we realize the helplessness of a child, the dependency that they have. We have the practice and treatment of true Christians: they live godly in Jesus Christ--this is their practice; and they shall suffer persecution--this is the usage they must expect in this world. There is teaching. There is no part of John's doctrine more strikingly characteristic than life in Christ. 2 Timothy 3:12, CSB: In fact, all who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. Abandoned by virtually all of those close to him for fear of persecution (cf. Well, Jesus has and He told us what to, what it's about in Luke, the sixteenth chapter. And when you lose authority you have anarchy. And as we go down the list, it's like reading the afternoon newspaper. Here he mentions his persecutions and afflictions at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra, besides what he suffered elsewhere. Accordingly the apostle reminds Timothy of this. This shows in a clearer light the difference between the true teacher and the false. Product Information. [2.] It is the attitude which bears with everything men can do and refuses to be either angry or embittered, and which will never seek anything but their highest good. live godly in Christ(Ga 2:20; Php 1:21). In all life there is nothing so creative of really productive effort as a clear consciousness of a purpose. James encourages us by explaining that those who persevere under trial, on the journey to maturity, will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him, and He exhorts us to consider it all joy, when we encounter various trials.There is an urgency in this final letter thatPaul wrote before his death, to remind us that ALL who live godly lives in Christ will certainly suffer persecution. (This book is used for definition of Greek words. And then again "the husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits." But the apostle at the same time owns, and loves to own, that which another might perhaps despise. He said that one isn't inspired; obviously inspired. "Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry." The Kingdom had its price. There was the great trade route from the Euphrates valley which came by way of Colosse and Laodicea and poured the wealth of the east into the lap of Ephesus. They're profitable. They thought that eternal life lay in the letter, not in Him of whom the letter testified. Men will be lovers of their own selves ( 2 Timothy 3:2 ). They worship self instead of God. Love of self is the basic sin, from which all others flow. Timothy fully knew what was the great thing that Paul had in view, both in his preaching and in his conversation: "Thou hast known my purpose, what I drive at, how far it is from any worldly, carnal, secular design, and how sincerely I aim at the glory of God and the good of the souls of men." 2 Timothy 3:12 (NASB) Verse Thoughts We live in a fallen world, and there are many challenges that face the believer who has not only trusted Christ for salvation, but is also ready and willing to deny self, take up his cross, follow Christ's example, and say without compromise - Thy will, not mine, be done. 10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, 11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. But thou hast fully known ( 2 Timothy 3:10 ), Now in contrast to this, boy, and what a contrast the Christian is to the world around him, and more and more, you know, more and more your lifestyle is different from the world. The man who is anosios ( G462) offends against the fundamental decencies of life. You're a pilgrim. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, and led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth ( 2 Timothy 3:5-7 ). [ See verse text ] Persecution against godly people is to be expected in this world; it's one of the few constants in life (2 Timothy 3:12). In other words, it's not going to get better for awhile. The essence of Christianity is not the enthronement but the obliteration of self. ii. Those who are well instructed in the Scriptures will always be ready when an opportunity arises to do good (16-17).Since Gods servants must give him an account of their service, they should not miss any opportunity to teach the Scriptures, though they must always speak in a manner suited to the circumstances (4:1-2). But God prepares the instruments through which He works and the most important preparation is through the Word of God. Far more harm is done from want of thought than almost anything else. Things are very much taking this direction of late, and at the present moment. All you can say is that they are "without natural affection".God has put in our heart a certain natural love as a parent for a child. Men would be headlong in words and action. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. He who feeds his mind on cheap literature can in the end find nothing in the great masterpieces. Men will be inflated with conceit (tetuphomenos, G5187) . 13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. He had not said a word about them before. Now what is it that Timothy had so fully known in Paul? (3.) He lets Timothy know that while he laid this on others, he must look carefully to his own ways. Therefore it is incumbent for the Christian to look to this gravely, never to be dragged by the fear of breaking unity into accrediting what dishonours the Lord. He did not pull down by his living what he built up by his preaching. And may not their freedom from it prove that they have surrendered the principles of their religion, where they should have stood firm, though the world were arrayed against them? When Carlyle's father was discussing the kind of minister his parish needed, he said: "What this parish needs is a man who knows Christ other than at secondhand." He is now looking at the state of disorder in the house of God, instead of contemplating it in its public integrity, as in the first epistle. The reason is obvious. But no man ought to separate himself from the children of God, unless it be a dire necessity for the Lord; it is clearly not according to Christ. The scriptures are profitable to establish the foundation of my beliefs. The Christian life does not consist only in knowing something; it consists even more in being something. Even an unbeliever is acting unfairly unless he tries to read it. Luke recorded the very words spoken on the mission field long ago, "Through many tribulations we must enter into the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22); and, in the words of White, "Consistency in the life of Christ must necessarily be always opposed by the world. The whole concept of redemption is wrapped up in the Old Testament. It's going to get worse before it gets better. What a blessing. Promotions are withheld, invitations are denied, and a snickering unpopularity are the daily portion of many precious souls working in a hostile, atheistic environment. It was the common lot of all who endeavored to serve their Redeemer faithfully; and Timothy himself, therefore, must not hope to escape from it. Any conversion which makes a man think of nothing but the fact that he has been saved is no true conversion. They must not lie by us neglected, and seldom or never looked into. True, he is telling of something which happened later than this, but the wretched story would be the same (Irenaeus: Against Heresies, 1, 13, 3). A. M. Chirgwin in The Bible in World Evangelism tells the story of a ward sister in a children's hospital in England. I have many scriptures that I don't understand yet. They did not keep the covenant that they made. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God. Plutarch uses the word to describe a quack doctor. Then in 2 Timothy 3:1-17 he proceeds to show us not merely a picture of the condition that Christianity will fall into, but, besides, a state of things that would be produced by this confusion. It is not the question of discipline dealing With evil ways; but here we are in a state of things where we are in danger of being mixed up with vessels unto the Lord's dishonour. That the scripture has various uses, and answers divers ends and purposes: It is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction of all errors in judgment and practice, and for instruction in righteousness. Real teaching is always born of real experience. It may well be that the greatest handicap to Christianity is not the scarlet sinner but the sleek devotee of an unimpeachable orthodoxy and a dignified convention, who is horrified when it is suggested that real religion is a dynamic power which changes a man's personal life. Oh, yeah, I like that one. Now here observe. The history of the Christian Church teaches us that falsity cannot live. Verse 2 Timothy 3:1. It would not burn. This may be either an injury done to his feelings, his family, his reputation, his property, his liberty, his influence; it may be by depriving him of an office which he held, or preventing him from obtaining one to which he is eligible; it may be by subjecting him to fine or imprisonment, to banishment, torture, or death. The Greek word (prodotes, G4273) means nothing less than a traitor. It is not enough to be satisfied when a church is humming like a dynamo and every night in the week has its own crowded organization. In other words, they simply remain in spiritual infancy and keep repeating the first stage of their Christian faith, over and again, without pressing on to spiritual maturity.Many are falsely taught that becoming a Christian will secure a quiet life and provide a ticket to prosperity, with numerous earthly blessings and a free pass from God, to prevent or remove any difficulties or dangers that may arise. In the light of this warning from the Saviour, no Christian should be surprised at persecution. No man is saved unless he is on fire to save his fellow-men. Or are you going to develop a doctrine that is diametrically opposed to what Jesus said? How many people who have stood before God and have pledged for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part; and yet again, the high divorce rate. He knew that he had suffered ill for doing well (2 Timothy 3:11; 2 Timothy 3:11): "Thou hast fully known the persecutions and afflictions that came unto me" (he mentions those only which happened to him while Timothy was with him, at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra); "and therefore let it be no surprise to thee if thou suffer hard things, it is no more than I have endured before." Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel." Xenophon tells us how Cyrus, the Persian king, defined the alazon ( G213) : "The name alazon ( G213) seems to apply to those who pretend that they are richer than they are or braver than they are, and to those who promise to do what they cannot do, and that, too, when it is evident that they do this only for the sake of getting something or making some gain" (Xenophon: Cyropoedia, 2, 2, 12). And that quality of conquering endurance is necessary, because persecution is an essential part of the experience of an apostle. But now before his heart just as in principle before the dying Lord Himself, wonderful to say two things come together: a deeper sense of what is in God, as revealed in Christ Himself, before there was any creation at all; and on the other hand so much the deeper sense also of what could be owned in nature. Do you have a hard time accepting that man can build a great fish that can swallow men and keep them under water for several days and deposit them later at a port?Hey, hey, wait a minute then. But then another thing. The woman, thrilled to the heart, does so and is deluded into thinking that she can prophesy. "The foundation of God standeth sure [or, the firm foundation of God standeth], having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. We are not meant to titillate our minds with the latest intellectual crazes; we are meant to purify and strengthen ourselves in the moral battle to live the Christian life. [Note: Knight, p. He went home and found the fire was out. It is our duty to use our minds and set them adventuring; but the test must ever be agreement with the teaching of Jesus Christ as the Scriptures present it to us. Anosios does not so much mean that men will break the written laws; it means that they will offend against the unwritten laws which are part and parcel of the essence of life. Quite a promise, isn't it? Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning, Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus All that live according to the will of God revealed in his word; and to the glory of God, as the end of all their actions; and which the grace of God in the Gospel, and in their own hearts, teaches them; and who have the principles of a godly life from Christ, and derive the fresh supplies of grace and life from him, to maintain it; in whom their life is hid, and who live by faith upon him; all such that live, and that will live so, are desirous of living after this manner; in whom God has wrought in them both to will and to do, and are concerned when it is otherwise with them: these. We must remember that Timothy's work lay in Ephesus, perhaps the greatest market in the ancient world. They will not only deceive others, but their sins and other deceivers will deceive them increasingly too. The page number in Thayer is given, and the column on the page follows the hyphens. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for any attack that the evil enemy of my soul can throw at me, and that nothing can ever separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. Word Pictures in the New Testament. It is derived from two Greek words which mean to show oneself above. In vain shall we endeavor to detach Christ from his cross; for it may be said to be natural that the world should hate Christ even in his members. That the scripture was given by inspiration of God appears from the majesty of its style,--from the truth, purity, and sublimity, of the doctrines contained in it,--from the harmony of its several parts,--from its power and efficacy on the minds of multitudes that converse with it,--from the accomplishment of many prophecies relating to things beyond all human foresight,--and from the uncontrollable miracles that were wrought in proof of its divine original: God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will,Hebrews 2:4. There is only one test for falsity--"You will know them by their fruits." No one can possibly mistake him. Now when Moses appeared before Pharaoh and he threw down his rod and it turned into a snake, you'll remember that Pharaoh's magicians threw down their rods and they also became snakes, but Moses' snake swallowed theirs. It is not meant that the Scriptures are valuable for finding fault; what is meant is that they are valuable for convincing a man of the error of his ways and for pointing him on the right path. When we know the afflictions of believers only in part, they tempt us to decline the cause for which they suffer. Here is one of the most terrible pictures in the New Testament of what a godless world would be like, with the terrible qualities of godlessness set out in a ghastly series. Such is the meaning of purging himself. There is nothing that more shows God than His ability to combine that which is eternal with care for the smallest things of this life. But the phrase may mean any future time, whether near or distant. by George Whitefield. "The Lord grant unto him that he may find mercy of the Lord in that day." Look at the magazines that were once really under the counter kind of stuff and sold illegally. The word of God is the foundation for doctrine. There will always be those who have their own twisted ideas of the Christian faith, and who wish to win others to their mistaken beliefs. It is the Greek parakolouthein ( G3877) and literally means to follow alongside; but it is used with a magnificent width of meaning. They will refuse to recognize the debt they owe both to God and to men. There is a type of person who is eager to discuss every new theory, who is always to be found deeply involved in the latest fashionable religious movement, but who is quite unwilling to accept the day-to-day discipline--even drudgery--of living the Christian life. A book with a record such as it has cannot be disregarded. If your God is big enough to create the heavens and the earth, no problem, but you see, we stumble on the very first verse. That which finishes a man of God in this world is the scripture. Thus he looks not to the coming of the Lord to receive him to Himself, but to the "appearing of the Lord," which is the usual side of the truth taken in these epistles. (187) And he says this, partly that believers may prepare themselves for submitting to this condition, and partly that good men may not view him with suspicion on account of the persecutions which he endures from wicked persons; as it frequently happens that the distresses to which men are subjected lead to unfavorable opinions concerning them; for he whom men regard with aversion is immediately declared by the common people to be hated by God. They will be inflated with a sense of their own importance. VERSION, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica.

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